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~Soobins POV~

After a long and fun afternoon I take Jungkook and y/n back to my place. I pull into the driveway and look into the back seat to see a sleeping Jungkook then I look in the passenger seat seeing y/n who's desperately trying to keep her eyes open. "Y/n" I whisper not wanting to wake Jungkook or startle her "hm" she mumbles slightly jumping. I chuckle to myself before handing her the key to unlock the front door.

She takes the key before getting out of the car going to unlock the door. I get out going over to the backseat where Jungkook is sleeping in his car seat I carefully take him out making sure not to wake him I close the car door before walking inside the house taking Jungkook straight to his bedroom laying him down to sleep I walk back to the living room to tell y/n she can go home if she wants. "Hey y/-" I begin before looking on the couch to see her sleeping as she softly snores.

I chuckle to myself before picking her up carrying her to my room so she can sleep comfortably. I lay her down and she nuzzles her head into the pillows making me smile at how cute she is without even trying. I grab some random sweats and a blanket before goin me to the bathroom changing into nothing but the sweats I put the clothes I previously had on into the hamper before grabbing the blanket walking into the living room where I fall asleep.

~End POV~

You slowly open your eyes before closing them again due to the sun from the window shining though the curtain directly into your face. You put your hand over your eyes blocking the sun you look around and your eyes widen once you realize your in Soobins bed. You jump out of bed walking to the kitchen where you see Mrs. Choi making breakfast the both of you make eye contact and she looks at you confused.

"Hi Mrs. Choi" you say softly with a smile "hi y/n.." she says looking at you confused "did you stay the night here?" She ask before continuing to make breakfast "yes.." you say walking over to her "Soobin didn't tell me you were here did you two?" She says turning around looking up and down. "No no!" You says shaking your head quickly. You then hear footsteps behind you making you turn around to which you see Soobin puting on a shirt as he approaches you.

"You're awake" Soobin says with a smile and you only nod. "How did I get in your bed?" You ask "I moved you there so you could sleep comfortably" he tells you making you feel a sense of guilt since he slept on the couch. "Aish! Binnie did you sleep well?" You ask worriedly making him sit on a stool so you can rub his shoulders. He then takes your hands from his shoulders "y/n-ah I'm fine" he says giving you that smile you're so use to.

"Y/n you should stay for breakfast" Mrs. Choi suggest "no I should probably go my mom must be worried about my whereabouts" you tell Mrs. Choi before beginning to leave. Soobin grabs your hand so you can't leave "no worries your mom knows you're here I called her this morning" Soobin tells you "really? What did she say?" You ask him with a curious question "she said that she figured you were with me" he looks at you with a smile.

You giggle to yourself knowing exactly what your mothers thoughts were. "Y/N since you're staying can you wake up Jungkook please?" Mrs. Choi ask you with a smile you nod your head before walking off to Jungkooks room where he is sleeping peacefully. You smile before tapping him making his eyes flutter softly as he looks to see who tapped him he smiles once he sees you he then closes his eyes and goes back to sleep.

"Yah yah Jungkookie" you say picking him up so he has no choice but to wake up. You put him down and he stretches before taking your hand walking out to the kitchen where Soobin and Mrs. Choi are. "Good morning Kookie" Mrs. Choi tells Jungkook once she sees him making him run over to her hugging her legs. "How is my baby boy?" She says as she picks him up giving him a big kiss "Mommy" he says giving her a big hug. "Did my baby boy have fun with Y/n and his hyung?"she ask making him sit up nodding his head.

"What about you y/n? Did you have fun?" Soobin ask with a sly smile. "Yeah I had fun" you nod "what was your favorite part?" He smirks referring to the little kiss he gave you making blood rush to your face. "I don't know I enjoyed the whole day" you say simply trying to ignore his smirk as you walk over sitting next to him "really? You don't have a favorite part?" He asks a shocked tone in his voice and you only ignore his question.

You get up fixing food so you can eat still ignoring him. "Yah! Y/n don't ignore me" he pouts making you laugh at him "Soobin I'm not ignoring you" you giggle putting more food on your plate before going back to where you were previously sitting. You eat while talking to Soobin after you finish you clean you plate putting it on the drying rack before going over to Soobin to tell him your about to leave.

"Soobin I'm gonna get going now" you tell him and he only nods. "I'll see you later" you flash him a smile before leaving.

~Soobins POV~

"I'll see you later" y/n flashes me a smile before leaving.

Soobin just ask her out you'll regret it if you don't just do it! What's the worst that could happen?

"Aren't you gonna ask out y/n?" My mom ask snapping me out of my thoughts. "Huh?" I ask confused she then turns to me "ARE. YOU. GOING. TO. ASK. Y/N. OUT?" She says loud and slow "uh.. yeah" I nod well you better go she left already.

I look at the front door before rushing outside "y/n wait!" I yell running over to her just as she's about to go inside her "what is it?" She asks looking at me with doe eyes making me nervous. "Y/n.." I begin and she looks at me patiently waiting for me to continue "Be my girlfriend" I speak up not breaking eye contact with her.

~End POV~

"Be my girlfriend" Soobin blurts making your heart beat rapidly and your body freeze. He stares at you with big eyes waiting for a answer which you can't give since your too lost in your own thoughts. His facial expression then fills with disappointment "so.. no?" He asks and you hear the hurt in his voice he begins to leave and you grab his wrist pulling him in to kiss you which he does. Then two of you break the kiss and smile at each other "yes Soobin I'll be your girlfriend" you smile.

A/N: Hi. it's me 😅 this book is actually done I've decided to end it here. Don't hate me 😭 if you enjoyed this book vote please. I may be thinking of publishing another story 😈 but you'll never know 😌

"We're just best friends" | Choi SoobinWhere stories live. Discover now