pizza and the number 23

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the peeling, white door rattled under tj's knuckles, and cyrus waited for a moment on the other side of the door before opening it.
(yes, he was waiting there. don't look at him like that!)

"teej!" cyrus smiled, but his attention was soon drawn to the boy's hands as he squeaked, "ICE CREAM!"

"your favorite. the tonight dough." tj handed the brunet the pint as he walked inside, shutting the door behind him.

"thelonious jagger kippen, you are my savior!"



"you swore!" tj grumbled, pure despair painted across his mug.

"sorry," cyrus gushed, "couldn't help it."

tj hung his jacket on the coat rack beside the front door and hurried over to the leather couch in the living room, plopping onto it in a running leap.

"hey, no jumping on the couch! mom will be so mad!"

"your parents aren't here, cy," tj smirked.

"oh, yeah." cyrus remembered. "how did i forget that?"

"i don't know. what i do know is that i want pizza," tj stated, whipping out his phone. cyrus waddled over to the couch and lifted tj's legs so he could sit, then laid them on his lap.

"dominos, please!" cyrus begged.

"you read my mind."


"holy shit, he wrote the book himself!" tj exclaimed, nearly falling off the couch from how far he was leaning forward. the tv flashed in his face, explaining the story of walter sparrow, and cyrus found himself more focused on his friend than the movie.

"yeah, he did,"

"have you seen this before?" tj craned his neck to meet cyrus' eyes with a surprised look.

"many times. it's my dad's favorite movie."

"it's crazy!" tj took a bite out of the sausage pizza in his hand, "i've never seen jim carrey act serious before."

"it's a whole new world, teej!" cyrus mocked his fascination.

"hey," the blond pouted, falling back into the couch cushions and taking another bite of his slice. "meanie."

"oh, shush, scary basketball guy."

"i thought i wasn't scary!"

"just watch the movie, teej."

tj mumbled something under his breath, but he couldn't stay fake-angry for long. cyrus' puppy dog eyes were very convincing.


the screen flashed with pink and white lights, and cyrus was buried in the hoodie that tj had stupidly left lying around, as if cyrus wasn't going to snatch it like the little thief he is. the sky was dark now, and all the lights were off in the empty house, settling a blanket of night over the two boys.

midnight called to cyrus now, and he could feel his eyes drooping with exhaustion. slowly he started to slump over on the couch. he slid and slid and slid until tj got the hint and pulled him into his lap.

"sleepy, cyrus?"


"but we're watching your favorite movie!" tj smiled softly, pointing to cher horowitz on the screen.

"m'still sleepy, teej," cyrus mumbled, nuzzling his head into tj's shoulder. (he was barely conscious now, so don't blame him for anything else he might say, he didn't know he said it!)

tj's heart was beating rapidly now- so quickly, in fact, it made him scared for his health. cyrus was humming low, quiet breaths, and his eyes were blissfully closed. tj reached a shaky hand outward and began to run his nimble fingers through the boy's hair. cyrus let out something of a purr, and a small smile played on his lips. his sleepy hands reached for tj's shirt and clung on, and tj almost cried at how cute it was.

"cy, you wanna sleep?"


"okay, c'mon-"

"shh, hair," cyrus grumbled, barely able to keep his eyes open. he blushed softly, almost the color of a rose, and continued, "play with m'hair. makes me sleep."

"o-okay. lay down for me, then." tj stammered.

he readjusted himself to be laying on the couch, and cyrus cuddled into the boy's chest with a happy hum; tj resumed playing with the boy's hair, and cyrus fell asleep content as can be.

still very much awake, tj could not believe what was happening right now.
cyrus was his friend, so this was friendly. friends do this, right?
friends cuddle.
friends sleep next to each other.
friends blush and nuzzle and play with each other's hair and-
well, shit, tj sighed.
if this was friendly, why was he unable to breathe?
tj wouldn't be able to handle anything more- his heart was about to burst already, with cyrus asleep on his chest and their legs twisted together.
if this was friendly, then why was tj such a mess over it?

"goodnight, cyrus," tj mumbled, turning his attention to josh helping cher's father with his lawsuit. he watched as cher scaled the grand staircase and how josh's jaw dropped at the sight of her.

i know how you feel, dude, tj thought.

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