ambi said no tyrus rights

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"okay, but, you did that?" andi squealed, unable to contain her excitement.

"y-yeah... i just watched a video on youtube. it wasn't so hard!" amber smiled sheepishly, handing her the bracelet.

it was a ocean blue string bracelet with yellow, transparent beads placed between the four letters spelling her name, and one heart-shaped one; amber reached out and tied the knot on blushing andi's wrist, and smiled contently.

"amber, it's perfect."

"well, so are you," amber tucked a piece of golden hair behind her ear and fiddled with her fingers.

"you're so cheesy."

the girls sat in a comfortable silence, andi's big eyes adoring amber's shy ones, and the moment was so soft and gentle that they thought nothing could ruin it.
until cyrus busted through the door of andi shack with a loud screech, that is.

"jeez, cy! knock much?"

"MY BOYFRIEND!" cyrus flopped onto the bed in the corner of the small shack, a dreamy halo spinning around his head.

"ew," amber scoffed, "my brother."

"andi, he's perfect!"

"hold on, ambs," andi shoot a sympathetic smile towards the blonde, "cyrus, why are you here?"

"because i kissed him last night."

"yeah, that's not really a surprise to me," andi raised an eyebrow, "you've kissed before. it's not news. he's also your boyfriend."

"i know, but, like- i- he just- i really like kissing him!" cyrus marveled, his smile so wide not even jonah beck could compete.

"cy, i'm so happy for you! but do we have to talk about this here-" andi bit her lip, "you know, in front of kippen number two?" she pointed at amber, who was fake gagging at the craft table.

"oh, sorry, amber," cyrus winced.

"why don't you go hang out with him again and kiss him all you want and then tell me next time you wanna rant about sucking face?" andi smiled brightly, her sarcastic tone enough to make cyrus frown.


"i love you!"

"whatever," cyrus groaned and walked out of andi shack, leaving amber and andi alone in the wake of his surprise visit.

amber giggled and asked, "he's a handful, isn't he?"


"you're so cute with that bracelet on."

"shut up, amber!"


cyrus pouted in the corner of the spoon as he waited for tj to walk through the door, and he couldn't help but think about how out of character he's been acting. kissing tj so much, being so flirty, so comfortable with himself- he's never been like that.
what's happening to me?
cyrus would've kept questioning himself if tj didn't burst through the door aggressively and interrupt his self-interrogation.

"what's wrong?"

"i got in a fight with my dad." tj huffed, and cyrus knew it had to be bad if the look on his boyfriend's face was anything to go by.

"oh, gosh, i'm sorry, teej."

"it's fine, i'm glad i'm here now," his thin lips formed a sad smile, "you're the only person i wanna see right now."

"awh," cyrus' eyebrows knitted together over his admiring eyes, inviting tj to hold his hand across the table.

"so, what do you wanna do today?"

"well, i want some baby taters while we're here, but i kinda just wanted to hang out at my house afterwards, if that works for you."

"i don't know," tj shook his head and scrunched his face up in distaste, "now that your parents are home, i can't jump on your couch."

"is that really what's holding you back?" cyrus deadpanned.

tj tried to combat cyrus' dark look with one of his own, but failed miserably. he squeezed the brunet's hand and answered, "i'm joking. let's go to your house and hang out with your mom."


cyrus was sprawled out on top of tj's body on the living room couch, watching a vine compilation on the tv as the boy beneath him scrolled through his twitter feed. every once in a while cyrus would let out a little giggle, or once of those laughs where you breath through your nose, but most of the time he was just watching contently.
he liked this. he liked finally being able to breathe in the warm scent of tj's shirt and have it not be weird.

cyrus' mom flicked off the kitchen lights and smiled softly as she saw the two boys on the sofa, and she spoke a quiet goodnight before scaling the stairs.

"goodnight, mrs. goodman," tj answered, glancing from her to her son and feeling more at home then he ever had.

and everything was fine.

the tv was reciting the "so no head?" vine. cyrus was laughing. cyrus smelled like vanilla and pine cones. the blanket draped over then was soft. his twitter feed was funny.

it was all so perfect, all just perfect.

and then tj got a text.

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