cyrus' sweet, but kind of sour, release

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andi and amber were asleep already, the younger's face buried in the crook of her girlfriend's neck, while buffy and marty were seeing who could shove more popcorn into their mouths, and jonah and walker were holding hands and sitting stiffly as a movie played quietly in the dim-lit living room. it was quite a sight to cyrus, seeing each of his friends' personalities at work. it was something he loved to see.

tj, on the other hand, was sitting across the room from cyrus with his phone in hand.

cyrus was stumped. he had no idea why tj was ignoring him- he hadn't done anything wrong! and it was especially unsettling because he wanted more than anything, more than he ever thought he would, for him and tj to look like their friends right now, so the fact that his best friend was mad at him was eating away at him faster than he'd like to admit.

i can't just sit here and wait for him to get over it, cyrus thought.

"i'm gonna go get some snacks," cyrus blurted out, "tj, can you help me?"

tj glanced up at the boy, hating the way his eyes pleaded. he wanted to be mad. he was angry, so, so angry-

"yeah, sure."

damnit, tj! can't you ever say no?

the blond followed in the brunet's tracks kitchenward, and was caught off guard when cyrus turned around and huffed with the anger of a thousand suns.

"what is your problem?" cyrus yell-whispered.

"i told you i was fine! get over it,"

"you're clearly mad at me, just tell me why!" cyrus grumbled, staring up at the boy.

"i'm not mad at you!"

"then why are you ignoring me, teej?"

"i- i just- well, i-"

"save it!" cyrus waved his arms around, his face fiery red and sputtering words like a machine. "i was so excited to invite you tonight, i knew my friends would tease me but i didn't care because i wanted you there, i took forever getting ready and trying to look good for you! and you made it so fun, you made me forget about being nervous that i was home alone and you made buffy stop making fun of me and you got me that stupid fucking elephant and i just can't stand it anymore, tj! god, can you stop acting like the world stops for only you and just get over yourself for one fucking second to realize you're making me upset?"

tj stood still, stunned to the point of silence. his hands were shaking and his heart was beating rapidly, and he knew if he didn't stay stone-faced his eyes would drop a million tears onto his brand new shoes he wore specifically to impress cyrus tonight.

cyrus was breathing heavily, still running on angry energy, staring at tj's cold face with his coal eyes.

a simple, "i- i'm sorry," was all tj could manage under his scary gaze.

"yeah, i'm sure you are." cyrus crossed his arms.

"can you at least let me explain?"

"save it for the morning. i've had enough of your face for tonight. i'm going to bed." cyrus rolled his strained eyes and began the trek towards his upstairs bedroom.

"cyrus, wait!"

"you know what, tj? if you wanted to stop being a jerk, maybe you should've done it sooner. because i saw the good in you from day one, but now i'm wondering if you were just faking the whole time." cyrus snapped as he stood at the foot of his oak staircase, his dark eyes watering and his bottom lip trembling softly.


"i'm going to bed, tj." cyrus choked out the shaky words and ran upstairs.

tj stood at the foot of the stairs and bit his lip, feeling the warm air the boy kicked up hit him in the face.

even when he's gone, he's still here, tj thought. he swatted the warmth away.

"tj, what's going on?" jonah piped up from the couch.

"nothing. i'm going to bed." tj stated blankly, grabbing the blanket he always used from the couch and making his way towards the den down the stairs.

he would sleep on the couch alone, and cyrus his bed- both crying, and both regretting ever feeling so stupid.

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