cyrus is hungry

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"so..." tj bit on his bottom lip, shoving his hands in his pockets to conceal the sweat coating them.

"so..." cyrus trailed off, not quite sure what he was going to say either.

"what movie do you wanna see?"

"i don't know."

"they're showing some scary ones-"

"i can't do scary movies," cyrus chuckled apprehensively, feeling silly for being so scared, "i get really nervous when i watch scary things."

tj looked at him the same way he has been since the boy showed up on the sidewalk outside the theatre. with sparkling  eyes, he glazed over cyrus' bubblegum pink cheeks and his swirling chocolate eyes and his thin, awkward smile, and he boldly wiped his hand on his jeans and grabbed cyrus' with an endearing grin.

"then let's see the new disney movie," he suggested, "i've heard it's pretty good."

"o-okay." cyrus nodded shyly, all of a sudden quite flustered by tj's random act of romance.

the boys walked up to the desk and purchased two tickets to some kid's movie they never would have seen in their own, and they made their way into theatre five- not after grabbing some candy, of course.
the lights were dimmed and the previews were playing obnoxiously; moviegoer parents were basking in the blue glow of their smartphones while the young children scurried about the theatre aisles, and tj watched them all with such admiration. cyrus couldn't help but feel his heart shift into overdrive as he smiled and waved to the little boys and girls running past his aisle seat.

the room slowly grew black, and the movie began to play; tj fake yawned and stretched his arm around cyrus with a dorky beam.

"you're so bad at this." cyrus sighed.

"you could do better?" the blond replied boldly.

"i think i could, yeah,"

"and how would you do that?" tj leaned forward a little bit, getting within the boy's lip reach. his cockiness was a trait cyrus could smell from a mile away, and that's how he managed to shut the boy down into a blushing mess.

"don't push me, kippen," cyrus sassed, "it's too early in the date for that!"


"what's my favorite band?"

"easy! wallows."

"that was an easy question, wasn't it?" tj smirked.


"well, how about my favorite..." tj's eyebrows furrowed in thought, by raised in recognition only seconds later. "what's my favorite pie flavor?"

"trick question. you don't like pie." cyrus answered flatly, much to tj's dismay.

"how did you know that?"

"you told me when we first hung out outside of school."

"that was so long ago!"

"tj, i've had a crush on you since before we talked. it'd be a bad sign if i didn't know the little things." cyrus felt feverish, his face reddening at his risky words.

"that's cute," tj teased.

"shut up!"

the teenagers sat in the empty theatre, facing each other in their seats; the movie was long over and the customers long gone, but they didn't feel like leaving yet.

"oh, i have a good one!" cyrus exclaimed, "what's my favorite book?"

"the book thief." tj spat out, quicker than both of them expected.

"my favorite food?"

"mac and cheese, but only when your mom makes it."

"my... favorite drink?"

"roy rogers, with extra cherries."

"tj!" cyrus giggled.


cyrus felt a rush on adrenaline pummeling through his body, making his fingertips tingle and the hair on the nape of his neck stand up. tj's eyes looked green like like hard candy and his hair looked like chewy caramel, and there was a little smudge of chocolate on the corner of his mouth, and cyrus found himself hungry.

"you have something on your lip,"

"what is it?"

"i'll... get it for you." cyrus stared, and he followed through.

cyrus didn't know what he was doing, if you asked him. he has no experience in kissing boys. or anyone, really. he just felt his chest glowing and couldn't stop himself. everything glowed when he was around.
by the time he was done, tj was free of chocolate stains, but was left with swollen lips and a face as white as snow; his jaw and nose tingled with a slow ache, wishing and wondering where the feeling of cyrus had gone to.

"i could get used to that." tj choked out, a dizzy smile sitting on his lips.

"so can i."

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