fashion icons need help from their disaster gays, it's how the world works

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"amber, i'm serious, where's my cologne?!" tj shrieked, rifling through the bathroom cabinets with trembling hands.

"it's here, i have it, chill out!" amber came running with the bottle of shawn mendes signature in her hands, a guilty smile on her face.

"why was it in your room?" tj quirked a judging eyebrow, crossing his arms.

"i like the way it smells! plus, it's for boys and girls. don't be sexist, thelonious."

"i- don't call me that! hand it over."

"what's got you all nervous?" she leaped up onto the white counter, dangling her feet over the cream tile floor as tj reached behind her to grab his hair gel and favorite black comb.

"i have a date with cyrus!" tj beamed, his smile so infectious it spread to amber's face like a sweet disease.

"awh, that's so cute!" she cooed, "where ya goin'?"

tj shoved his comb into the gel and scooped some out while replying, "the movies."

"forget the hair gel, then," amber scrunched up her nose in disapproval, taking the objects from his hands and wiping the gel off his comb.


"cyrus likes you better without it," she winked, "and plus, when you guys make out in the dark, he won't wanna be grabbing rock-hard hair."


"tell me i'm wrong!" the blonde flung her arms up in defense, laughing at the traumatized expression painted on her brother's face.

"get out,"

"i'm just trying to help-"

"get out, amber!" tj whined.

"fine." amber hopped off of the bathroom counter and walked into the hallway. tj slammed the door behind her just in time to muffle the sound of her yelling, "forget the contacts, too!"

"leave, amber!"

tj pulled a brush through his floppy, feathery hair and adjusted his black metal frames; he smoothed out his abbey road t-shirt and headed back into his room, sliding his army green jacket on and shoving his feet into his pair of maroon doc martens. he checked himself in his dresser mirror and hiked up his black ripped jeans, and he decided this was as good as it was going to get. he grabbed his wallet and phone and headed for the door, but not before hollering out a, "see ya later, amber!"


cyrus screamed into his pillow and flung it onto his bed, grumbling inaudible phrases out of pure frustration.

"cyrus, you need to relax," andi giggled through the receiver, "show me the choices."

cyrus flipped the facetime camera and displayed the multiple garments laid out on his covers; with flannels and shirts and sweaters and jeans galore, andi found herself in stylist mode.

"okay, well, where's the date?"

"the movie theatre." cyrus answered, biting a nail nervously as he eyed his options.

"well, you'll wanna be comfy but still cute, so..."

cyrus stared at his best friend on the screen in a growing state of agitation until her face lit up like a christmas tree, and she exclaimed, "i got it!"

"okay, tell me,"

"the green and blue flannel, the black sweatshirt and the black jeans," andi grinned with satisfaction, "oh, and your converse, obvi. i'd tell you to wear docs, but you're lame and don't own any."

"hey, leave me alone! they're expensive, you bitch!"

"i'm joking! okay, what else do you need me for?"

cyrus stared at his face in the long mirror on his wall, and he asked, "to gel or not to gel?"

"no gel, please. soft hair stays winning."

"good call,"

cyrus threw the phone onto his bed so that he was out of sight, and he switched out of his t-shirt and pajama pants and into his outfit. he flipped the camera again once he was finished, showing himself in the mirror.

"that's the outfit," andi's eyes sparkled with that 'ding!' type of look. "you look amazing cy!"

"you think?"

"i do. and tj will love it."

"oh, god, tj," cyrus groaned, "i'm so nervous!"

"why? he's your boyfriend now! there's nothing to be nervous about."

"that's exactly why i'm nervous!" cyrus cried, "it's all different now!"

"he likes you, cyrus. it's gonna be fine."

"you better be right."

"i tend to be," she teased.

"yeah, yeah, whatever. i'll text you later."

"okay! have fun with your boyfriend!" andi mocked in a sing-song manner.

"i'll try," cyrus smiled timidly, ending the call.

he stared at the strings of his sweatshirt and ran a hand through his damp hair, and he took a deep breath. he waited for his lungs to fill, and then he waited for them to deflate; he imagined all the nervous energy escaping through his exhale, and he tried to convince himself he would be okay.
it's just a date, he thought, with my boyfriend. totally normal.

he scaled the stairs down to the kitchen, where his mother and stepfather sat chatting over their dinner.

"hey, hon," his mom greeted, "heading out?"

"yeah, i'm going to the movies with tj."

"got money?"




"no r-rated movies!"

"i can't even get into those, mom!" cyrus whined, drawing a laugh from his stepfather.

"go have fun, be back soon," todd waved him out.

"come back so i can show you pictures from hawaii!" his mom called after him as he headed for the front door, and cyrus threw a thumbs up behind him before stepping into the chilled summer night.

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