high school is scary, but he's scarier

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trigger warning:
single use of lgbtq+ slurs.
be safe, and i love you all!


"yo, we in this joint!" marty screeched as grant high school came into view, and the whole group collectively groaned.

"marty, baby, no." buffy sighed, and marty's face fell with a gentle, "fine. you guys are no fun."

cyrus and tj fell behind as their friends became caught up in conversation on the trek to school, and they talked quietly, in their own little world. they've always done this, but now that they're 'tyrus'- as andi would call it- it's not going unnoticed among the others.

"c'mon lovebirds, hurry up! we're gonna be late if you keep inching along!"

"shut up, amber," tj growled, and the sister giggled softly before turning back to andi with her bright smile.

cyrus felt like in each hand he was holding a dumbbell equivalent to the weight of the world, and his chest was slowly being crushed by the pressure pushing down harder and harder every step closer the sidewalk brought him; to say the least, he did not want to be at school right now.
tj took notice of the boy's twisted facial expression and grabbed his hand, lifting half the weight.
like he always does, cyrus thought, and it warmed his hands a bit.

"it's gonna be okay, alright? take a breath."

"what if it won't be? what if they hate me even more this year?" cyrus mumbled, his words traveling towards the ground rather than to tj's face.

"they won't. and if they do, you have the captain of the junior varsity basketball team to knock someone's shit for you." tj joked, and cyrus let a tiny huff out of his nose.

"you're too much, teej,"

"yeah," the blond replied, "you like it though."

"miraculously." cyrus scoffed.

the big bad brick building now towered over the incoming sophomores, looming a dark shadow across each of their anxious expressions, yet they trudged along, because what else could they do? skip the first day?
as cyrus walked towards the glass doors at the entrance, a sneer came from the crowd of kids bee-lining for the school.

"look at those two fags."

cyrus shut his eyes tight, hoping he was hearing things- but as he opened them to see tj's head whipping around in a frenetic search for the mouth that the words fell out of, he knew he wasn't dreaming.

"teej, c'mon," cyrus tugged at the boy's arm, trying to move his cemented feet.

"y-yeah, uh, okay," tj shook his head, the color rushing back to his cheeks, "let's go."

the two became lost in the sea of kids bustling to get to their first class, and the mouth was among them, a tall smirk stretching his dirty lips thin.
the mouth shut into a tight smile as he stared at the old text conversation from three weeks ago, and he knew that it was only just beginning.
revenge tastes so sweet, doesn't it?

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