What, darling?

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After I stormed up to my room I began to have more and more regret. "I can't do this" I said to myself over and over again. "I can't stay here, mom even said" I knew she was serious. After long and hard thinking I decided to call my grandma. She always understood.

It rang 5 times before she picked up

"Hello? Jamie, sweetie, is that you?" She sounded excited.

"Yeah, hi grandma! I miss talking to you" I had tears rolling down my face but her voice was comforting to hear.

"Oh honey, you sounds sad? Tell grandma everything." If I were there I probably would hug her an never let go but I wasn't so I began from the top.

"Grandma, mom and dad kicked me out, can I please stay with you until I find a place?" The tears never stopped.

"What? Are they crazy? You are only 15 they can't do that." She sounded insulted.

"Well they can, grandma they kicked me out because..." I trailed off. I still wasn't use to telling people that but i don't think I will ever get use to it.

"Because what, darling" she had such a sweet voice.

"I'm pregnant grandma, I'm sorry I'm a disappointment, mom even said that, I just need a place to sleep, I'm getting a job and my life under control I promise you won't have to deal with me forever." The tears came faster because I didn't know if I could do what I just told my grandma I would do.

There was a long pause before I heard her sweet voice again.

"Oh honey, of course you can stay with us! Grandpa is just getting the guest bedroom ready, also we would like to meet this boyfriend of yours." I think she was smiling, and that made me smile. Then I got back to. Old harsh reality.

"Oh umm, Rylan, sure grandma." I tried to sound excited, if I told her I wasn't seeing him anymore she would get sad and I didn't want her sad.

We're me and Rylan still together? Apart of me (a big part) wanted to know if we were but I also didn't want to bother him, I wanted him to figure it out. I feel bad for putting him in this situation, but he should be here for me! He's the one that said we didn't need a condom. This is going to be harder than I thought. I began searching up jobs and apartments, something I thought I wouldn't have to do in a LONG time.

"Positive" •a 16 & pregnant  story• (complete)Where stories live. Discover now