"I need you..."

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Listen to "maps" by Maroon 5 if possible while reading this chapter :) enjoy the emotional roller coaster of this chapter :)
Rylan's POV
"What?! I'll be right here!!" I yelled into the phone as I hung it up and dropped it onto the floor in shock, not caring to pick it up as I ran out the door not even sure if I closed it fully.
As I got into my car and started it as I drove about 20 miles over the speed limit on my way to the hospital. I dialed Jamie's grandmas phone number and waited for them to answer.
"Rylan? It's 9:00. Is everything ok?" I heard Jamie's grandmas concerned voice over the phone as I took a sharp turn around a corner.
"Marian, Jamie got in a car accident and is in a bad condition. Please meet me at the hospital." I said trying not to sound panicked because I didn't want to startle her.
"Oh dear. I will be there as fast as I can." I heard over the phone as there was fumbling of object then a beep.
I put the phone down and slowed down as I came to a red light.
"C'mon!" I yelled at myself banging my hands against the steering wheel in frustration.
"This really can't be happening!" I yelled at myself in the small car, black leather seats surrounding me. Usually in the car I would feel free, knowing I have the ability to go anywhere but right now, right here, I felt trapped.
The red light quickly turned green as I sped off like I was in a drag race, my foot pushing harder and harder on the metal petal as I turned sharp and quick, with all my focus on the road and my eyes piercing sharply through street signs and lights flashing. I didn't care if I got a ticket later, I just needed to be with Jamie now.
I slowed down as I pulled into the hospital parking lot scanning for any parking lot relevantly close to the large entrance doors.
I parked in a spot up and a little left from the doors. As I pulled into the Parking space I opened my door before I even turned off my car, being careless once again.
I almost flew out of my door and raced in though the automatically opening doors and ran up to the desk, warm tears spilling out of my eyes, no matter how hard I tried to hold them back.
I knocked on the counter to get the receptionists attention before asking her the question I was fearing.
"Uh sir, how can I help you?" She asked with a worried look on her face.
I leaned on the desk, both my arms pushing on the desk.
"Jamie.." I gulped pushing my tears back before finishing my sentence.
"Jamie smith?" I asked her as she stood up pointing into a direction.
"Intensive care unit, room 7" she said pointing left motioning to go down the hallway.
I ran the way she instructed too worried to say sorry. I turned into the ICU and ran until I saw "7". I slowed down and turned the handle slowly to reveal doctors gathered around in a small light blue painted room huddling around a patient, Jamie.
I walked in slower than I have ever walked.
"Rylan Moore?" A doctor in blue scrubs and a face masked asked.
"Yes, is... is she ok?" I asked fearing the answer to be "no."
"She was in critical condition but over the period she has been in care things have gotten better." He said in a serious voice.
The doctors soon began leaving the room, coming in now and then to check her stability and everything.
I sat in a blue hospital chair pulled up close to the bed in which she laid.
She had tubes entering and leaving her body, some for oxygen and some for medicine. She had an oxygen tank hooked up to her nose, helping her breathing. Tubes going in and around her mouth monitoring things. She had all kinds of cords hooked up to her heart and monitors cluttering the room, constant beeping alarming me every second.
I leaned in close, grabbing her hand which was hooked up to an IV, a needle running through her hand. I kissed her hand laying my head into the arm rest attached to her bed, still holding her hand ever so lightly. I was tired of holding my tears back. I let them go, each one sliding down my anxious face.
"Please don't go..." I whispered my head still rested on the arm rest.
"I need you.." I whispered once again. I didn't know if she could hear me but I still said it. Still wished she would wake up.
After about 4 hours of, Marian coming with Jim and leaving because they need to get home and run the store tomorrow. Doctors coming in checking things and leaving, occasionally patting me on the back, telling me it would be alright. When one doctor with sad eyes full of sympathy came in.
"Rylan? Can we speak in the hallway please?" He said in a sad but serious voice.
"Ok.." I said following him out of the blue room and into the bright open hallway, scared of what he was going to tell me.

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