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The days passed by quickly and before I knew it school had started and Rylan had to go back. I decided I was going to take some online courses to save time, money, and embarrassment.
Rylan decided he was going to move out of his disfunctional family "house" which wasn't much of a house because they just ignored him so really I don't think they even noticed he wasn't there. Rylan would text me in between classes and call at lunch. I like knowing he was committed to this but I don't think he was even ready for this. Sometimes he would come home late and say stuff about his car breaking but I'm not sure if I believe him I mean, I want to but something doesn't feel right.
"Hey baby." He said as I heard him put food in his mouth.
"Hey, how's school going?" I said as I typed in an Answer onto the computer.
"Good, mrs. Davidson sprung a pop quiz on us so I think I failed that" he said chuckling.
I giggled a bit before I answered "oh well mrs. Davidson can go fuck herself, she does that every fucking Monday" I said giggling some more. Admitted I was a little moody today.
"I know! Sorry babe I have to go I'll text you after lunch" he said as he hung up.
I heard a beep. "Ok, bye" I said annoyed as I put my phone on the table more violently then I meant. Oops
"I have to go to the bathroom I'll be right back." Rylan said as he sat up from the couch and exited the living room
"Hurry back" I said yelling down the hall to where the washroom was. I heard a door slam and my curiosity got the best of me.
I slowly walked down the hallway to where the bathroom was as I heard talking coming from inside of it..
I pressed my ear to the door trying to be as sneaky as possible.
"Miles no! I told you! Today was the last time!" I heard Rylan's muffled voice through the door.
There was a few seconds before I heard Rylan's voice again.
"Miles. I told you no! I can't afford anymore of your fucking weed!" He explained into the phone, going quieter as he said "weed".
No... No. I thought he would have stopped. No! I stepped back from the door as if it was my worst nightmare, now fearing the man I use to adore. I was scared of him coming out of the door. I sat up against the wall across from the door, legs up with my knees covering my face as I buried my head farther into my knees, hot tears fell from my tears eyes, rolling down my flushed skin.
I heard the metal door handle turn and click as the door opened.
"Jamie.." He said and I could tell he was nervous.
"Don't.. Just don't..." I said as I wiped my tears as I stood up.
"Let me expla-" I cut him off knowing what he was going to say.
"No... Please Rylan don't.." I said walking towards the door.
"Where are you going?!" He raised his voice at me and I hated when he did that.
"For a drive" I said slamming the door behind me as I walked to my grandmas car and got in.
I started the ignition thinking over all my thoughts.
I noticed It was already dark and checked my phone, 8:46.
I pulled out of the drive way and began driving down the street. I need to cool down and driving usually helped. No it wasn't the safest but it helped.
"How could he do this to me and Ella?" I thought aloud banging my hands on the steering wheel out of anger.
"He was doing so good! Did he even want to be with me? With the baby? I don't think he even wanted to be apart of this, maybe he thought wasn't a choice. I can't believe this! He can go fuck himself!" I said in my head.
Before I knew it a car swerved right infront of me, I grabbed the steering wheel with both hands trying to avoid the crash I could see coming but it was no use. It felt all like a dream, like it was in slow motion, the car headlights shining in my face, blinding me momentarily, realizing what was happening I grabbed the wheel with sturdy hands and pushed with all my might on the break pedal. The last thing I saw was the air bag inflating supposedly saving me but I didn't feel saved.

"Positive" •a 16 & pregnant  story• (complete)Where stories live. Discover now