Baby bump

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Rylan's POV

I woke and Miles was laying next to me. Cuddling.

It took me a minute to realize it but when I did I rolled off the couch and hit my head on the coffee table.

"Fuck!" I whispered loudly.

"Huh?" Miles said groggily waking up.

"Why were you sleeping with me?!" I said confused.

"Awe fuck not again." He said like he does this all the time.

"I'm sorry dude that stuff gives me the feels." He explained

"Whatever don't cuddle me ever again!" I said trying to be serious but, come on, who can be serious when saying that?

"Haha you liked it!" Miles said joking around.

"Did not you jackass!" I said jokingly

"Whatever!" Miles said in a girly voice mockingly.

"Your a dope!" I said still laughing at his mockery.

I got off the couch and realized I was in my underwear.

"I changed last night?" I said confused hoping Miles didn't do anything ELSE last night.

"Yeah and then you fucking threw them at my head you dope!" He said rubbing his head like it still hurt.

"Haha yeah last night is kinda groggy to me..." I said trailing off, I don't remember much but I remember that dream...

"Ok whatever I need to head home I didn't even tell my mom I was staying over..." I said as Miles chuckled.

"Well you better take a shower you smell like a stoned donkey!" He said pointing to the bathroom.

"Yeah I do!" I say emphasis on the "I"
As I walked into the bathroom

I grab a towel out of the bathroom closet and place it on the marble counter tops with my underwear. I turn the shower nobs to just the right temperature and slowly slid my body under the stream of warmth.

"Ahh..." I say relaxed as I slouch and soak up all the heat the water is giving off.

I didn't realize how long I had been in there until Miles knocked on the door.

"Hey, you didn't steal my bong did you?" He said laughing.

I turned off the shower, grabbed the towel off the counter, and wrapped it around my waist, and grabbed my underwear off the counter.

I opened the door.

"Inspect." I said pointing into the small bathroom.

Miles sniffed the room before turning to me.

"Your good" he said smirking.

Miles hopped in the shower and I went into his room to change.

I slipped on my underwear and grabbed and put on my dark, skinny, ripped, jeans from the other room.

By the time I finished getting ready and doing my hair Miles was already out of the shower. Wow he was quick.

After we said goodbye and everything I hopped in my car and drove over to Jamie's grandmas house where she was living now. I couldn't wait to see her.

After a long ride to Jamie's place I finally pulled up to the drive way.

I walked up the stone steps with a little hop in my step. I hope she forgives me and we can go back to Jamie and Rylan + 1.

I knocked on the door and about 30 seconds later Jamie opened the door.

"Rylan..." She said out of surprise.

"Jamie can we please talk?" I was really hoping she would say yes.

"Umm Rylan I don't think that's a good idea.." She said as she began to close the door.

"No please I promise I won't spring anything on you." I said pushing the door open again.

"Ok. 5 minutes." She said as she looked behind her to check if anyone was coming.

She walked out of house and stood on the step in front of the closed door with her arms crossed over her chest.

I looked at her tiny baby bump and I smiled to myself, it was beautiful to look at and it's the only thing that has given me joy in a long time, well, besides Jamie.

"I want to be here." I said inching a little closer to her attempting to break the tension.

"What do you mean?" She said with a confused tone.

"I've been thinking a lot and, I love that baby, and I love you, I always have, I want to be here for the baby, I want to watch it grow and I want to be here for you." I said with a smile as I held both her hands.

She didn't say anything, all she did was smile and place her head on my shoulder. She put her arms around my neck and I held onto her waist. I pulled her close and I didn't want to let go. I felt her baby bump against my stomach and it made me want to laugh.

I leaned over to her ear and whispered gently. "I love you."

She didn't say anything back but smiled and nuzzled her head a little deeper into my shoulder.

Everything was perfect.

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