Chapter Eight

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Levi’s eyes fluttered open as he felt the morning sun shine on his face. Turning to his side, he saw a mess of curly hair covering half of his pillow.


He pulls the blanket higher up over her and gets out of bed, pulling a shirt over his head and walking into the kitchen.


After about thirty minutes, the girl appears in the doorway to the kitchen, rubbing her eyes sleepily. “Morning,” she says with a yawn.


“Did I have another nightmare?” he asks, voice calm. She only ever slept in his bed when she heard him having a nightmare. For some reason, he’d stop whimpering when she slept next to him.


“Yeah,” she says flatly, filling herself up a glass of water with the tap.


“I’m sorry,” he replies, pushing some of his messy black fringe from his eyes.


She simply shrugs. At only thirteen years old, she already started to look and act like an adult. She was beginning to fill out and become less scrawny, and she just acted like an adult. She didn’t rely on him as much, and she didn’t always call him over the littlest things.


He actually disliked not being needed as much.


“Did I wake you?” he asks, sitting down at the kitchen table.


“Last night? Yes. This morning? No.”


“How late?”

“You’re stressing too much about this, Levi,” she sighs. She walks behind him and gives him a hug from behind. “You worry too much about me, Levi. Let me protect you for once.”


“That’ll happen when Hell freezes over,” he snaps.


She can’t help but laugh a little. “I’m going to protect you someday. One day I’ll be your hero!”






“I want to see what’s going on in there,” Nora whines, leaning back against one of the large trees.


“We’re supposed to attract these things’ attention,” Jean replies.


“One slip of the foot-” Nora starts, standing up. She kicks her foot along the bark, leaning back some. She leans back so far that she falls from the branch, but quickly uses her 3D maneuver gear to attach back to the branch. “-and you’re one their next dinners.”

Childhood Friends (Attack on Titan// Levi Ackerman Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now