Chapter Ten

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Levi had not spoken a word to her since his confession. And Nora didn’t expect him to. She needed the time to think. She had always loved Levi, but how?


She was sitting in her bed, arms crossed. Gods, was she bored?She was unable to move much, because it caused a sharp pain in her chest from her broken ribs. Apparently, her broken ribs had also pressed against her lungs, causing bruising on them, so she couldn't walk far before getting out of breath. Her only thing to do was think.


A knock on her door surprised her. No one visited her much, considering she hadn’t made any friends during her entire time at training, and most  Scouts dubbed her as the girl who relentlessly followed around their Corporal. The only person who she'd expect to visit her was Levi, but after the other day, that didn't seem likely.


Erwin had dropped by a few times, but he never stayed long; he was far too busy for that. The relocation of the entire Survey Corps took a lot of planning. While the castle that they were moving was said to be big, Erwin had to plan out if everyone would fit.


As grim as it sounded, after the expedition, there would be far less Scouts to account for.


After just asking her how she was feeling and telling her how brave and capable of a soldier she was, Erwin would be summoned by someone who desperately needed his approval on some plans. Another added stress of Erwin’s was that there would be a training center built outside the castle, having something similar to the training that was done during their four years of training. Apparently, building a structure as huge as that would take a lot of planning, and since the Survey Corps were well hated by the people, getting the tax dollars to pay for it would be difficult.


Nora didn't mind Erwin’s venting. She liked hearing about new developments in the Corps, because gods know that she was feeling out of the loop of the world.


So the sudden knock at her door did surprise her. Looking over at the clock, it was right about when dinner was starting. Having a visitor now, even a doctor, would be unusual. Someone wasn't scheduled to bring her dinner for another hour.


“Come in,” she calls, sitting up a little straighter. Moving was getting easier, but nonetheless it still hurt.


“Hello, little soldier,” Jean grins, walking into her room. He sits at the edge of her bed. “How are you feeling?”


“Bored,” she sighs. “Not much to do. Plus, no one visits,” she frowns slightly.


“That’s because everyone thinks you hate them.”


“Do they really think that?”


Jean chuckles, patting her head. “I see your fever has gone down,” he comments, ruffling her curls. “But no, they don’t. The doctors didn't want you having visitors.”


“Why would they do that?” she whines. “These past days have been horrible!”

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