Chapter Sixteen

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“Levi you’re the worst!” the small curly haired girl yells. His heart clenches in his chest; this time, she wasn’t saying it in a joking tone. She was wiping her eyes with the back of her hands, curling flying everywhere as she yelled. “I can’t stand you, Levi!”


“Quit screaming, brat,” he sighs in response, leaning against the wall of his house. “If you can’t stand me, then just go home.”


Her  crying immediately stops, and her body tenses. “What did you say?”


“You heard me. Go, then.”


She begins to tremble, tears silently slipping down her cheeks. They’ve never fought before, so she didn’t even know how to respond to him. She didn’t know what to say, but what was there to say? He had told her to go home.


It all started when she said some boy in their town wanted to hang out with her, alone. Since she’d started living with Levi, she was rarely ever away from him. Ever. The longest time they were actually separated within this set of Walls was in their own house, and that was because it was night time, and unlike Levi who only slept about three hours a night, Nora needed her sleep.


So how could Levi allow her, a naive thirteen year old girl, go on a date with some brat in the city?


Simple, he couldn’t, and refused her, saying how she was too immature to be away from him, causing her to begin slinging insults at him.


‘You’re the worst,’ echos in his head. Was he really the worst? Did she dislike him that much?


“I’m leaving!” she suddenly snaps, running off to her room. Levi remains, motionless against the wall as she runs off, the severity of what just happened suddenly hitting him.


“Ah, that brat,” he says to himself, sighing. Watching her run off and cry like she just did really kill him on the inside. Not that he’d ever admit it, though.


After giving her a few minutes to herself, where he was able to hear her slamming drawers and doors as she took rushed steps across her room, most likely packing a bag to run off in, another sigh escaped his lips before finally heading to her room, cautiously knocking on her door, where he is answered by a tear-stricken “go away!”


After a few seconds he knocks again, mumbling a soft “please, Nora,” through the old wood.


Another few seconds of brief silence ensue, but eventually, he hears the sniffling of the curly haired girl. Her soft footsteps could be heard padding across the room, until she’s so close her breath can be heard through the door. She slowly opens it, mop of curls peeking from behind the door, eyes  already red. “What?”




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