Chapter Thirteen

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"Curly! Get the hell off the ground!" Jean yells, voice loud enough to echo through all of Trost.


Said curly haired girl was running on the ground, a Titan chasing close behind her. Truth be told, she couldn't get off the ground even if she wanted to; she had run out of gas long ago and had landed painfully with a thud.


Goddammit," she mumbles. She was not dying before she could even get to the Scouts.


Jean, Sasha, Connie, Armin, Marco, Annie, Reiner, and Bert were following her from the rooftops. Their blades were in their hands, but they were trying to conserve their gas at this point. The supply crew had been hiding away in the depot, leaving the vanguard out to dry.


The Titan chasing her was a three meter class, crawling on all fours to reach her, it's big eyes childlike but determined. She heard the heavy footsteps of another Titan not too far off, cursing under her breath as the steps neared her. The other recruits were screaming for her to climb.


"Head away from here!" she yells, sweating under her mess of curls. "It's not safe!"


"I'll come down and get you!" Jean yells. He had assumed the role of leader.


"No!" she yells back. If Jean went down to get her, he'd run out of gas too. "I have an idea! Stay put!" She began to run towards the footsteps from the other Titan. It's a six meter class that has long straggly hair and a grin. It begins running at her, hands outstretched and reaching for her. She gulps hard, ignoring the protests coming from her fellow recruits.


Right as she nears the second Titan, she slides, her pants riding up, and her legs getting torn by the concrete. She goes right under its legs, causing the two sprinting Titans to collide and fall to the ground. She hears her comrades call for her to climb the nearby crumbling wall to reach them, but feeling powerful, she runs up to the two Titans and slashes their necks, killing them.




"Ow, ow, ow," Nora whines. She was laying on the grassy floor of the forest behind the castle, only the moon lighting her path. Lights out was three hours ago, yet she was still here.


She releases the hilts of her swords, letting them fall into the rain softened dirt beneath her. Struggling to get up, she sighs, dropping her head back down.


"Why can't I use my gear as well as before?" Nora asks out loud, despite being alone. Before her injury, she was one of the best in her class with the gear, being both quick and nimble.


"Nora! What are you doing out here?" She's surprised to see Connie appear next to her, eyes filled with concern. "Are you okay?"


"I did bad at training today," she says quietly. "I was practicing."


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