nine - okay.

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just a note: this chapter sucks and is just a filler so it's v v short. sorry, dont hate me D:

“What the fuck, Jabie, you scared the living shit out of me,” Michael exclaims, walking into my room.

“Michael shut up, she’s sleeping, you inconsiderate dick,” I hear Cassie say and I can just picture her rolling her eyes and hitting him.

“No she isn’t, I bet you she’s listening to us right now. She’s the type to pull off something like that,” Michael says and I almost laugh at how accurate and how much he knows me.

“What happened, though? Were you there?” Ashton asks Cassie, I suppose.

“No but I think Calum was,” Cassie answers and the door opens.

“What are you all doing here? I told you guys that she’s resting and Cassie is the only one allowed in here for the next few hours,” Kelly says and I imagine her rushing everyone out of the room.

“But Kelly, I’m her boyfriend,” Calum whines, sitting down on my bed for a quick second and then getting up, Kelly probably scolded him to get off.

“Hey that’s not fair, in that logic, I’m allowed to stay because I’m her best friend,” Michael whines as well and Kelly tells him to lower his voice. Best friend my ass.

“Michael shut up and listen to Kelly,” Tayler says, I think. I hear a lot of feet shuffling around and eventually out of the room.

this morning

"Hey Jabie, are you okay?" Tayler asks as we walk into the classroom, taking our seats. I nod and answer her, saying of course I am.

"Why wouldn't I be?" I shrug and smile as Calum sits next to me.

"You look a bit paler today and last night, you went to sleep early. You just seem not like yourself, I guess," Tayler shrugs too as class starts and we're engulfed in hours filled with boring information crammed into our heads.

"you look really cute today c:" Calum pushes the pink post-it note onto my notebook and I smile while reading it.

"you're just saying that to make me feel better

"are you sure you're fine?"

"yes, i'm fine."

"ok good."

Everyone keeps asking me if I'm feeling well today but I really do feel perfectly the same, I don't get what the big is. Yeah, I get that everyone is nervous considering reality has hit all of us and we're all scared that each other's death will come very soon. Every little thing has sparked up nerves in us lately. You look pale today, are you dying? You're walking rather slowly at the moment, are you okay? You didn't hang out with us at this specific minute and this specific hour, are you sure you're not on your death bed right now? It's really sweet, it honestly is. However, it gets kind of suffocating because I haven't been feeling the best these past few weeks so it kind of feels like everyone is monitoring my every move and where I've been and what I'm doing.

When class ends, I try to walk out of the room but suddenly I feel pain shoot throughout my body and sigh, knowing that everyone will stare at me. It's a struggle to walk out of the room but I do it, just barely. I stray off from the group and walk into my room and on my bed, feeling just a little bit of relief from the pain but whenever I moved, it hurt all over again. I start to get dizzy and press the button next to my bed to call Kelly. She runs inside and realizes the state I'm in, calling in nurses and a doctor and even my friends. Everyone is being pushed out of the room and I close my eyes, kind of scared that I won't open them again for a while.


aghhhhh this chapter sucked but i had to update for you guyssss. thank you so so so so so so so much for over 2k reads right now, it means so much that all of you take the time to read my shitty filler chapters. the next chapter will be really really long and great, i promise!!

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