eight - new

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Hey so its 11:30 PM and I don't want to sleep so I'm here updating this on my phone so I apologize if there's a lot of mistakes, I'll fix it by the next update :)

((Also, if you haven't noticed, I started adding chapter titles))


"Oh, Kelly you never told us how attractive she is," Michael remarks and everyone rolls their eyes.

"This is Michael. He's kind of a pain in the ass but you'll get used to it, trust me," Cassie explains and she smiles.

"Okay guys, I know you all probably want to eat lunch together so help Tayler get settled -- and by settled, I mean try not to scare her off, thanks guys -- and I'll come back with lunch because you're all probably starving," Kelly smiles and turns around.

"Hey we're all starving like Cassie," Ashton smiles and Kelly glares at him but smiles when Cassie slaps him. "Kelly, do you see this?"

"Yes and I approve," she smiles and walks away, leaving us all laughing. We all introduce ourselves and eventually it's Tayler's turn, which is what all of us are waiting for.

"Well, it's not really as interesting as your stories, I suppose. It's kind of boring, actually. But I just have an enlarged heart. A pain in the ass considering I'm still on the waiting list for a heart transplant but I'm dealing with it like everyone else," she shrugs and we all nod in agreement. "So how's it like on this side of Ocean Park?"

"Probably not as different considering the two wings are in the same hospital," Luke answers, shrugging as we wait for Kelly to come with the oh so wonderful hospital food.

"My wing was filled with a bunch of little 8-year-old bald heads running around while I would just sit in my room reading. It was pretty boring, to be completely honest with you," she answers with a shrug and we all nod in agreement, considering that our wing has those cute little ones running around but the difference is that we have each other to entertain ourselves. Tayler didn't.

"Cal are you okay?" I ask, jumping onto his bed as he sat at his desk doing "home" work.

"Yeah, of course, why wouldn't I be? What made you think that?" he answers way too quickly and I know something is up. But knowing him, I tread lightly and don't bring up the topic all at once.

"I don't know, you've been a little off today. But that's your business, unless you want to tell me," I say cautiously, fiddling with my fingers as he presses his lips together.

"Can we talk about it another time?" he answers in an almost whisper and I subtly smile and change the topic to something a bit more tolerable.

"You know when we were talking earlier, right? Like all of us, and how we denied us being girlfriend and boyfriend?" I bite my lip as he slowly puts his pen down and looks up at me.

"Yeah... Where are you going with this conversation?" Calum raises his eyebrow and I laugh while shaking my head.

"Well I thought about what we would talk about before and I realized that you're right. If you still want to then maybe we could make things official," I look down at my feet, shuffling them around as I feel the bed sink on my right.

"I would really like that," a voice says and a head is resting on my shoulder. I smile and close my eyes.

"I would really like that too," I say in an almost whisper as Calum grabs my hand, holding it tightly. Not too tight and not too loose either. It's the type of hand-holding that made you feel protected, complete, like that one missing puzzle piece is now in its place and you feel completely safe and you aren't lost. That's how I feel when I'm with him - safe and not empty inside.


haha sorry this chapter was short like i had hopes for this chapter but the next one will be better i promise!!!

Also, school has started so the updates are gonna be hella slow now, sorry guys.


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