four - hospital food

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"What's going to happen when one of us.. you know.." Luke asks cautiously. We don't like talking about us dying or not making it to complete remission.

"Die?" Michael finishes the sentence, shrugging. We all look at each other, nobody wanting to say anything about this topic.

"Well I can say ahead of time that the Red Band Society won't be the same without one of it's members," Calum says, bravely and I sigh.

"But eventually Cassie and Ashton will fully recover, and the four of us will either go into complete remission or die. Sorry to say it but that's reality," I shrug and I can feel Calum tense up.

"What happens when we get out of here?" Ashton asks and we all stop and think for a bit.

"We're still going to stay in touch, of course," Cassie says but you can hear a hint of doubt in her voice. "And we're all going to get out of here."

"Come on you six, we're having lunch in the cafeteria today," Kelly bursts in and we all stand up from the floor, following her to the cafeteria.

"The whole wing is going to eat down there?" Cassie asks and you can hear that she's nervous, as if all those people down there are pressuring her to eat.

"No, just you six. Apparently the staff thinks you're all old enough and somewhat healthy enough to eat on your own rather than having is basically spoon feed you. I'll still be guarding you guys, making sure you all eat and take your medication, of course," Kelly answers, putting her hand on Cassie's shoulder to reassure her.

"Oh, okay. That's better," Cassie nods her head and continues walking, her facial expression now calm and relaxed.

"What if we still want to be spoon fed?" Michael asks, grinning and Kelly gives him a "don't be a smart ass" look and he shuts up.

"Does that mean we actually have to wait in line to get our food and eat on a table together?" Luke says in a whining voice.

"Come on guys, you're acting like you've never had high school lunch," Ashton laughs and I put my hand on my forehead.

"Ashton, that's because we haven't gone to an actual high school. Well you know, except for Cassie but she was only there for less than half of freshman year," I shake my head and he withdraws and apologizes.

"Welcome to the Ocean Park Hospital cafeteria," Kelly states, opening the doors and allowing us to take in our surroundings. "Your table is there, next to the line. I made it rather close so that we don't kill Michael and Luke."

"Don't worry, judging on television and books, I'm pretty sure the hospital food will kill us alone," Michael laughs and enters the cafeteria, not getting a second look from anyone else in there.

"Get on the line quick and eat fast because Mr. Ryans is coming this afternoon and we're already running late," Kelly rushes and pushes us into the cafeteria and onto the line.

"Who's Mr. Ryans?" Ashton asks me, walking next to me and Calum to go on the line.

"He's our tutor or teacher or whatever. The younger kids usually have a different tutor for each person but when they realized that all of our mental capabilities were basically on the same level as each other, we got one teacher and we even have out own classroom," Calum explains and Ashton nods, understanding.

"Ohhh, Calum, using big words such as 'mental capabilities.' Says the one with the brain cancer," I say and he laughs hitting my arm playfully. Some people on the line look back when I mention Calum's brain cancer but they don't understand. All of us have a pretty dark sense of humor and we all understand it, knowing that when we mention one's condition, it's not to purposefully hurt them or make fun of it. Plus, we always use our diseases as an excuse for things we're just too lazy to do.

We quickly move up the line and start walking back to our table. "Hey, Jabie, do you mind carrying my tray? You know, since I have shitty lungs and I kind of have to pull this oxygen tank that supplies me breath to live along with me," Michael says rather loudly since he's a bit far away from me.

"Fine, Michael. Using your shitty lungs as an excuse to not carry your lunch," I laugh, getting his tray from him and putting it on the table. We're all very good at getting out of doing things and as stated above, we usually use our conditions as excuses. This occurs very often throughout our lunch break.

"Hey guys, does anyone want to give me their dessert or something? Since I had anorexia before, I really need to gain some weight and this chocolate cake is amazing," Cassie adds in and we all laugh.

"Ha, Cassie, you're really funny, thinking that I out all people would give up my chocolate cake," I say and she sighs, laughing along.

"You can have mine," Ashton pipes up and give her the paper plate with the slice on it. Michael, Luke, Calum, and I exchange looks and we're all thinking the same thing.

"Ryans, I have a great idea," Michael says in class, calling out as usual.

"Yes, Clifford? Care to enlighten the class with this great idea of yours?" Ryans sits down on the desk in the front.

"Since we're learning about all of these old people that lived in the olden times, why not take our learning to the next level?" Michael "enlightens" us.

"And what would that level be?" Ryans raises his eyebrow, as curious as all of us are to see what Michael has to say.

"We should totally go on a field trip to that museum nearby," Michael nods his head.

"Michael, you're a complete idiot," Calum calls out and we all laugh.

"There's a reason we live here and not there," Cassie says, pointing out the window at the word "there."

"Yeah, something could happen to you or Luke with your oxygen tanks or to the rest of us and we won't be near the hospital to get treated," I shake my head.

"But none of that has happened recently and if we're in a healthy enough state to eat in the cafeteria instead of our rooms, I think we're healthy enough to take the bus for ten minutes to go to a museum for a few hours and come back," Michael shrugs and we all shake our heads.

"You know, guys, Michael might actually have a point. You all are old enough and trustworthy enough to do this. I also feel like this would be a good exposure to the 'real world' so you're not stuck in this building all your life. Tell me, when was the last time you went outside of this building and into the city? All of you answer me," Ryans stands up and points to me.

"I've lost count, maybe a few years," I shrug and then he points to Calum, who's next to me.

"Almost three years," he answers, looking down at the desk.

"Same as Calum," Michael smirks, knowing his plan might work.

"Same as those two," Luke points to Michael and Calum.

"Two years, I think," Cassie gives half a smile and shrugs.

"Yesterday," Ashton says, grinning and we laugh.

"Exactly. Most of you haven't gone outside in years. This field trip might either be beneficial to you or you all have panic attacks and die because of how damn fragile you all are," Ryans laughs with us.

"Hey, I am not fragile!" I say and the laughter gets louder.

"Jabie, you can't even stand up without some kind of help," Calum looks at me and I smile.

"Well I'm sorry that cancer's such a little bitch that makes us weak," I shrug and look at Ryans, waiting for him to tell me to watch my language but he doesn't.

"Okay I'll dismiss you guys early because I want you to go out somehow and get some fresh air. That's your homework for today. I'll talk to your doctors and nurses and see if you're all in a state to go into the city. Now get your asses out of my classroom," Ryans stands up along with us.

"Wow, Ryans, I never thought I'd hear that type of language out of your mouth," Luke says and he gestures all of us to leave.

Everyone thinks that when you get admitted into the hospital, your life ends. It stops right there and you're in the dull and boring environment that you will die in shortly. But truth is, when we all came to Ocean Park, our lives didn't end. It was just starting.

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