two - shenanigans and other things

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"Come to our room," Calum says on the other side of the phone line. I check the time and the digital clock flashes 1:46 AM.

"Why don't you come to mine for a change?" I ask and put my head on the pillow, staring at the plain white ceiling.

"Do you have any idea how many nurses are on your floor? I'm just going to get sent back," I hear a sigh coming from him afterwards.

"Calum get off the phone and get some fucking sleep," Michael's voice is muffled and that sentence is followed by a thud on the phone.

"Don't throw a pillow at me!" Calum's voice is also muffled, probably because the pillow is covering the phone's microphone.

"Just ask her out already, Calum, you guys are practically dating, why not make it official?"

"Just go to sleep, you don't know what you're talking about."

"Boys, we go through this at least once a week and you've been here for almost three years now. You need some sleep," their nurse says rather loudly because the voice isn't muffled as much. "Calum, what are you doing?"

The pillow gets lifted off of the phone and I can hear everything clearly now. "You should be sleeping, not talking to someone you're going to see in less than 7 hours. Jabie, I know you well enough to know that you're laughing on the other end and I suggest that you should go to sleep too or else I'm going to notify your floor nurses that you're not asleep."

"Kelly, why aren't you asleep and at home?" I ask and apparently she heard me as well.

"Because I have to make sure that none of you die or are in pain while you sleep," she answers.

"But there are other nurses in the building to do that. I just saw you on my floor two minutes ago too. You're here all day and take care of us all day and then stay at night as well. When do you get home to your family?"

"Jabie, you guys are my family. I put your life before mine and if that means dealing with your late night shenanigans, I will do it. Now you guys need some sleep," she says and I hear a click, probably her turning off Calum's lamp light. "I trust you two to not stay on the phone so go to sleep!"

"Okay, she's gone," Calum says after the door closes. "Why are we awake this late?"

"Because I like talking to you and hopefully the feeling is mutual," I laugh and cross my right leg over my left.

"Just wondering, why aren't we together? You see, I have feelings for you.. Hopefully you have feelings for me too," he asks, rather bravely, I shall say.

"I'm pretty sure the whole hospital knows that we have feelings for each other but we're in a hospital. Relationships don't work here. For all we know, you could die tomorrow or I could die tomorrow and I don't want to get too attached to a person knowing that they could be taken away from me at any moment," I sigh and look over to Cassie, who's in a deep sleep.

"But why not just be together in the mean time? If you died tomorrow, I don't want to regret not asking you to be my girlfriend."

"Calum, get some sleep. Tomorrow's a new day. We can settle this when both of us are thinking straight."

"Okay good night, Jabie."

"Good night," I say and hang up, closing my eyes with a smile on my face.

"Jabie, get up," I'm awaken very rudely by Cassie's pillow hitting my face. "You chose to stay up until 2 AM talking to someone you're going to see in an hour but you have to wake up now."

"I'm tired," I shove my face into my pillow, groaning when I hear the door open and Kelly's voice followed afterward.

"Jabie Johnson, wake up! You need to eat breakfast," she says, pulling the curtains open and letting the sun in. "You too, Cassie, I know you hid your toast in the container in the fridge. Go get it and eat it right in front of me."

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