48 | real life

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rami stood at the window of the condo and watched as their friends pulled into an empty parking spot. "nour, hurry up," he called out to his sister who was currently in the bathroom applying makeup.

"you cant rush art," nour screamed loud enough so he would hear her. she could hear the front door open as the boys walked into the house.

lucy and rami shared a knowing look as he motioned towards the open bathroom door. lucy smiled as a thanks and made her way down the hall. "hello, beautiful." she grinned as she came to a stop, her body leaning against the door frame as she admired nour.

nour's cheeks turned slightly red, her makeup covering most of it as she smiled. "hello. don't mind me, im almost done."

the blonde watched as nour finished applying the last of her makeup and shoved her stuff back into the black bag she put under the sink. the two walked out of the bathroom together and stopped when they reached the living room, standing in a circle with the rest of the boys.

"it looks like y'all are in a cult," nour commented.

"yes, we worship our lord and savior benjamin jones."

ben rolled his eyes and shoved joe, a smile falling onto both of their faces as they looked towards everyone else. "ready?" the rest of the group nodded in unison as they all made their way outside and into the parking lot. ben unlocked the car and took a seat in the drivers seat with gwilym in the passenger seat. nour opened the backseat and climbed in as she crawled to the other side before taking a seat. lucy followed after her and then rami.

"aw poor joe, looks like you can't go," nour teased with a frown on her face.

joe smirked in return as he squeezed himself into the backseat, pushing rami and ultimately lucy closer to nour—who was now completely squished and pushed uncomfortably against the door. nour gently picked up the blonde woman sitting next to her and placed her in her lap before leaning down to whisper in her ear, "sorry but that was incredibly uncomfortable."

somebody to love blasted through the car radio, all six of them singing along as the car came to an abrupt stop at a red light. one of nour's arms instinctively wrapped around lucy as the other pushed against the front seat to prevent them from falling into it. the pair remained like this for the rest of the ride, nour's arms keeping lucy tightly in place against her own body. the blonde began to relax as she shifted her body so she was now sitting sideways, her head leaning on nour's shoulder.

the group eventually made it to the restaurant gwilym had been dying to try. the boys shuffled in, finding the first open table as they all ran towards it. lucy and nour followed as they took the only open seats left—both of which happened to be right next one another. nour sat in the middle with ben on her left and lucy on her right. joe sat directly across from her, rami on his left and gwil on his right.

everyone took their turns ordering as the waitress made her way around the table.

"jesus of course you would get a burger with avocado on it"

"absolutely disgusting"

"i can't believe we're related"

nour rolled her eyes as she listened to her friends opinions. "avocados are a godsend. fuck all of you and your shitty tastebuds."

lucy laughed as she took a sip of her water causing her to spit some across the table. a few droplets landed on rami who looked equally shocked and horrified. "i can't believe you've done this," he commented.

"what is up with you guys and the vine references?" joe asked.

"what is vine?"

the americans at the table all stopped and stared at gwilym, their brows furrowing as they comprehended what he just said.


"excuse me"

"you don't know what vine is?"


gwil sighed, looking at ben for moral support. the blonde simply smiled and shrugged his shoulders, "sorry, mate," he laughed, "even i know what vine is."

"you disgust me."

the group went on to talk about their favorite vines, joe pulling up a compilation on his phone as gwil watched in amazement. the waitress eventually came out with their food. nour dives into her avocado burger, ignoring all the comments and side glances from her friends.

after paying for their meal and leaving a tip, the group stood outside the restaurant. "thank you for this. i really needed it," nour smiled as she looked around at all of her friends. they meant the world to her and she was incredibly blessed in having the pleasure of even calling them her friends. she couldn't imagine her life without them.

lucy smiled as she leaned closer to nour, their hands intertwining as the blonde laid her head on her shoulder.

"we all love you and we're willing to overlook the fact that you eat avocados on a burger."

rami gave joe the side eye, "speak for yourself. that's disgusting and im actually disowning you," he smiled towards his sister.

gwilym looked around the area before turning back to the group. "the night doesn't have to end here, yeah?" he nodded towards the bar across the street. the group hollered and cheered in agreement as they all walked across the street and made their way into the small bar. he also took it upon himself to order the first round of drinks which he did so while the rest of the group found a table large enough to seat all of them.

"we should play-"

"don't say truth or dare."

gwil came back with everyone's favorite drinks as he passed them out, earning a collective thank you. he took his seat next to joe, everyone sitting in the same position they had earlier at the restaurant. lucy and nour were still holding hands—the blonde fidgeting with the rings on nour's fingers.

"when are you two gonna make it official?"

nour looked up, furrowing her eyebrows as she looked between joe, who had a smirk on his face, and lucy who stared down at her lap. both of the woman shook their heads.

"there's nothing to make official."

"we're just friends."

the four boys all shares glances before they began laughing. rami was doubled over as Ben slapped his knee.


"you two should become comedians."

"my dog could lie better than that."

"haha real funny."

the pair rolled their eyes simultaneously, a small smile falling onto nour's face as she looked over at lucy. "seriously, there's nothing going on. we're just friends."

"you said the same thing about me and we fucked," ben smiles sweetly as he looked over towards his best friend.

"yeah im really regretting that," she smiled back as she patted the top of his head. ben quickly pushed her hand away as he fixed his now ruffled hair.

the opening notes of lights down low by max played throughout the bar. this was one of nour's favorite song yet it was an odd one to play in this sort of atmosphere. she looked over at lucy, a smile falling onto her face as she whispered in her ear, "care to dance?" the blonde nodded as she stood from her seat, turning around to grab nour's hand as she led her to the dance floor. by now everyone was back in their seats except for a few other couples.

nour's hands instinctively went to lucy's hips as she held her rather tightly, afraid that she would disappear. lucy reached up and placed her arms around nour's neck and it felt like home for the both of them. they never wanted this moment to end. nour had known lucy for a considerably insignificant amount of time compared to natalie and yet she couldn't imagine her life without her. the blonde was almost constantly on her mind. she was a shoulder to lean on. she was a save haven. she was a queen.

as the two danced to their hearts content, the boys sat at the table, occasionally taking sips of their drinks as they watched with smiles on their faces. rami knew better than anyone the issues that nour had went through with natalie and it filled his heart with joy to be able to witness this moment between his sister and lucy. the blonde was exactly what she needed and he was glad the two had met.

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