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[ lucy + rami ]

rami 👨🏻
hey nour got into it with our parents and ended up coming home early
i know im asking a lot but she's at our flat and it would mean a lot to me if you could possibly stop by and check on her if you're able to
i was gonna gonna go back with her but she told me to stay and i would rather not get on her bad side

lucy 👑
of course i will
it's absolutely no problem
is she back here already?

rami 👨🏻
her plane landed a couple hours ago

lucy 👑
perfect yeah ill stop by tomorrow morning
if you don't me asking what exactly happened with her and your parents?
i know they don't get along the best but she's never really told me much about it

rami 👨🏻
it would be better coming from nour herself
but they just don't accept her
it's been rough ever since she came out to them
and then she gave up her dreams of being a doctor and that only made things worse

lucy 👑
she doesn't deserve that
i don't understand how people can do that
they carry a baby inside of them for nine months and raise them and then just turn their back on them because of something as minor as their sexuality

rami 👨🏻
yeah it's fucked up
i never should have even made her come with me in the first place

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