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[ ben + nour ]

noir not nour
hey dude what the fuck was that about
that was so uncalled for

benjamin button 🧸
i love you nour i really do alright don't get me wrong
you're my best friend
but even a fucking blind person could tell that there's something going on between you and lucy
and it's not exactly like you've made natalie a priority since you've gotten here

noir not nour
that's because i have a job to do dumbass
im not here for vacation or fun
im here to help you guys film a fucking movie

benjamin button 🧸
yes of course
im just saying it's something ive noticed

noir not nour
something you've noticed?
what the fuck is that supposed to mean
you don't know what our relationship is like

benjamin button 🧸
its just that ive watched her text you before and you'll look at it and then just ignore it
it's not fair to her

noir not nour
so you're the judge now of what is it and isn't fair?
you don't know shit ben so stop acting like it
we're perfectly fine thank you very much

benjamin button 🧸
if you guys are sooo perfect then why are you getting defensive
read 12:42

noir not nour
fuck you
read 12:43 pm

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