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natwhit for those of you haven't heard yet my debut fashion line is being released next week

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natwhit for those of you haven't heard yet my debut fashion line is being released next week. fashion show is this weekend.

friday-sunday (starting at 5:30pm) at the jacob k. javits convention center located at 655 W 34th street in ny, ny

ive poured my heart and soul into creating this line and i am so incredibly excited to share it wit you all ! this has been my dream since i was a little girl and i wouldn't have been able to accomplish it without the help of all of you who have supported me throughout the years. this line is something i hope each and every single one of you can appreciate. this line is dedicated to those of us who have never quite felt like we belonged with the rest of crowd. this is for you guys. for us. all the love 🧡

tickets are on sale at the convention center box office as well as through the link in my bio

also happy #pride

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username1 what is this liquid coming out of my eyes

username2 you are so amazing and im so proud of you !

nourmalek ugh my baby my heart my soul i am so incredibly proud of you sweetheart. you've come so far in such a short amount of time and you deserve it all. kick some ass x

username3 i just bought my ticket ahhh im so excited

nourmalek also sorry i can't be there in person to support you but you can definitely model these for me in person ;)
natwhit i can get on board with that

username4 you are so precious omg

ramimalek very sorry i can't make it in person darling but i look forward to checking out the line once it comes out
— natwhit liked this comment
nourmalek stop it's weird seeing you be nice
ramimalek i can be mean if you really want me too dummy
nourmalek say one mean thing to or about her and i will break your neck

username5 someone who buys a ticket better live stream this or facetime me
nourmalek i second this
username6 dw i got y'all
nourmalek you the real mvp thank u

username7 nour isn't going to her own girlfriends show ?? yikes

username8 ^ yeahhh talk about trouble in paradise
natwhit or wow did you ever think about the fact that she actually has a job
nourmalek and ramimalek liked this comment

benhardy why has no one told me about this ?!?
natwhit we better whip those twins into shape
nourmalek stop tag teaming us omg what is this

username9 i fucking love ben so much

username10 ben is friends with nour's girlfriend and y'all still think her and ben are dating lol
username11 if nour has a thing for anyone its lucy and not ben

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