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"Okay, red sweater or blue T-shirt?" I asked, holding up both of my options. Niall groaned and threw his arm over his face. "Lou, this is the eighth outfit choice I've had to choose from, and you still haven't picked any of the ones I liked." He huffed. I just rolled my eyes, and sat at the edge of my bed. "That's because you're picks were all ugly."

"Then why even ask me! Just pick one you like!" He groaned. I pouted and looked at all the shirt I pulled out. I picked up a dark navy blue and white striped shirt and looked it over. I sighed, and pulled it over my head. Niall was sitting in the chair, texting someone angrily. It was definitely about me. I twiddled my thumbs and stood in front of him.

  "I'm sorry for yelling at you... I know you were just trying to help." I apologized quietly. I didn't like when my friends were mad at me, especially Niall. He looked up from his phone, and his expression softened. "It's alright, Lou." He sighed, giving me a small side smile. I smiled in return, and went to go fix my hair. "Like the choice, by the way. It looks good on you." He called out, going back to his phone. I smiled wider as I finished up on my hair. " I know." I answered cockily.

  I slid on my signature black and white vans, and looked at my outfit in the mirror. My ass looked great in these jeans, and I hoped Harry thought so too. I blushed as I thought about him, and sleeping together. But I quickly shook the thought away so Niall didn't notice that I was flustered.

  "Ready to go?" I asked, grabbing my phone. "I've been ready for about half an hour." Niall grumbled, slipping his shoes back on. I just rolled my eyes, and followed him out the door and downstairs. We drove his car over to Ashton's flat, and I immediately noticed all the cars. "Holy shit, this place is packed." Niall cursed, looking around at what looked like thousands of cars around us. I took in a shaky breath and tried to calm down. I wasn't very good at the whole party scene.

  Niall sent a sympathetic look my direction, then got out of the car. I checked my self out in the rear view first, then followed him up to the front door step. There were a few small groups of people out front drinking and talking, and a couple waved at Niall and I. Well, probably Niall, I didn't really get out much.

  He stepped into the house, and I closely followed by his side. It was even more crowded inside. There was just enough room for us to squeeze through and make our way to the living room area. All the seats on the couch were full, so we stood around by the wall. A few guys from the football team came and chatted with Niall, and I just listened quietly.

  "You're Louis right? I think I've seen you around campus before." One of them said. He was taller than me, but not by much. Harry was definitely taller. He had buzzed black hair, and dark brown eyes. He was also deathly pale. But he looked nice, nonetheless. "Yeah, and you are?" I asked. He grinned and stuck out his hand. "Mikey." He stated, shaking my hand firmly. His grip made me uncomfortable, but I gave him a smile anyways.

  "Mikey's captain of the Basketball Team." Niall explained. I nodded, and smiled awkwardly. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, and I pulled it out and excused myself from the group.

  Harry was texting saying that he was a few minutes away. I texted back a smiley emoji, and told him to hurry up. I slid my phone back, and decided to make my way towards the kitchen. I maneuvered my way through people, and got some rude glances. I just ignored them, and continued on my path. When I was on the kitchen, there were a few guys standing in the corner by the fridge, and a couple girls sitting on the counter.

  The island in the middle had drinks in coolers, and some regular pop. I decided to grab a sprite and mix some whiskey. I didn't want to get super wasted, at least not this early anyways. I leant against the side of the island, and sipped on my drink.

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