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"Louis." Harry hummed onto the back of my neck. I kept my eyes closed, and waited for him to try again. His arms were enveloping me in a warm hug, and I'd never felt that comfortable. I sighed in comfort, and moved in closer to him. His right hand rested on my hip, and he gave it a squeeze. I jerked a little, and squeezed my eyes shut tightly.

  "Louis." He repeated softly. His voice sounded so soothing, and it had my eyes drooping again.  "Wake up." He added, tracing circles on my hip. I knew that if I woke up though, I'd have to face reality. And that didn't sound like a very appealing idea.

  "My head hurts." I whispered, yawning quietly. Harry arms wrapped tighter around me. "Morning, sleepyhead." He said cheerfully, resting his head in between my shoulder blades. I smiled to myself, thinking about how I could deal with this every morning. But then I scorned myself for having those types of thoughts. I knew that's not how this situation would play out.

  "I'll get you some medicine." Harry mumbled, beginning to unwrap his arms from me. I grasped his forearm quickly, and looked over my shoulder at him. "No! I'm comfy." I whined. His eyes softened, and a large smile broke across his face. "Okay, princess." He joked, wrapping me back up into his Harry-Cocoon.

  Harry ran his thumb over my hip, and kept repeating the action. "Did you enjoy yourself last night?" He asked. My face lit up scarlet, remembering the last moments before sleep. But was he asking about that, or the party? "Well, all I truly remember is getting absolutely shit faced." I joked. I get his breath fam over my back as he chuckled. "I think you needed that though." He commented, giving my hip another quick pinch.

  "What do you mean?" I wondered, turning over to look at him. We were chest to chest, and I could feel his breath catching mine. His hair rolled over his shoulder nicely, and I smiled to myself as I followed a specific curl down his collarbone with my eyes.

  "You just seemed stressed, and maybe upset about something. So getting totally wasted probably helped you." He explained, running a finger up and down my side. I shivered at the soft touch, and tried to steady my breathing again. I nodded along with his statement, and looked up to his eyes. They were a calm sage green in the morning light, and I couldn't stop myself from staring.

  "Do you feel less stressed then?" Harry asked, leaning his head deep into the pillow. I chuckled at his cuteness, and looked over his pretty features. "A bit, yeah. But now I've got this killer hangover to deal with."

  He reached up and ran his thumb over the arch of my brow, just slowly pressing and doing it over again. I let my eyes meet his, and he smiled softly. He continued to rub over my forehead and eyebrow slowly. It surprisingly did help my headache a bit, and I sighed in content. "Better?" Harry mumbled. I nodded, and let my eyes close.

  "Thank you." I hushed out, tiredly. I wiggled closer to him, and he laughed quietly. My leg brushed over his, and let them interlock under the covers. His ran his finger down the arch of my nose a couple times, and then down to my lips. His thumb swiped over it softly, and I tried my best to compose myself.

  After a few more minutes of that, he went back to rubbing my forehead. Then, he moved forward quickly and placed a small kiss in between my brows. And before I could open my eyes, he sat up and moved out of the bed. "I'm going to get you some medicine." He said, twiddling with his fingers. I smiled, and nodded. "Thank you." He just nodded quickly, and left.

  I groaned, and fell back onto his pillows. If he kept this up, I was going to fall for him fast. This man just had no negatives. He was absolutely perfect! I threw one of his silk white pillows over my face, and yelled loudly into it. When I pulled it away, I laughed hysterically to myself. I was acting like such a teenager.

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