chapter twenty-two

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             "Selina, what was that back there?" Bruce's voice unintentionally boomed throughout the quiet night. Right now, the streets were ringing with silence. The only sound was Selina softly jumping from one car to the next. What Bruce was referring to was the fight that happened not too long ago between them and those group of psychos. Selina had gone overboard, and Jane hoped she saw that.

"They had to know I was serious," Selina replied simply. Jane frowned at how she didn't see the problem of what she did back there. She had been in the mental space Selina was in, and it was a dangerous one. 

"You didn't have to hurt him like that," Jane spoke up for the first time in a while. "He gave you what you wanted. We don't want to hurt people."

Selina paused, slightly out of breath from the jumping. "He was trying to kill me, Jane. Just like Jeremiah tried to kill me." She glared at Jane, making her feel uncomfortable and also angry. She hated how Selina kept throwing that in her face as if it was her fault her psychotic brother tried to kill her. Selina continued, "So as far as I'm concerned.." She jumped off the car to be eye level with Bruce and Jane. "He got off easy. Who's side are you on, Jane?"

Jane felt her jaw tick. It took everything inside her not to try to fight Selina. She had gone too much of her throwing all of this at her to not retaliate. 

Bruce noticed the shift in energy and stepped in. "Selina. It's not her fault what Jeremiah did to you. We're all on the same side. We all hate Jeremiah and want him dead."

Selina still kept her eye contact with Jane. "Then let's do what we came here to do."

Jane kept the eye contact until Selina broke it as she slowly turned around to notice some small candles on. "Looks like we're close," She muttered. 

The group walked closer to the candles and noticed behind the candles was a sacrificial photo of Jeremiah. Jane's anxiety started to rise. Looks like her brother had been busy. Jane's hand involuntarily went to her covered stomach, where under the giant J her brother burned into her skin still was. Sometimes, like in this moment, if she thought about it, she could still feel her skin burning and her brother laughing at her pain. Even though her skin was healed, it was also forever scarred. Jane tried to forget it was there. It was why she never looked at herself in a mirror anymore or uncovered her stomach. The shame she got from it was everlasting. 

The anger in Jane grew. All she wanted was to hurt Jeremiah as much as he hurt her. 

"When I see him," Selina's voice broke through Jane's thoughts. "I'm gonna tear his throat out."

"Guys," Bruce's voice caught their attention. Jane looked away to notice a young girl in black dress pants, a white dress shirt and a black tie walk up the stairs and into the building. What was going on in there?

Selina didn't even hesitate to follow the young girl. Jane, however, did. Her fight or flight instinct was kicking in and suddenly all of the trauma she had refused to face was rushing back. She stood still, not even able to move an inch. Bruce had started walking up the stairs, following Selina, before noticing Jane unmoved. 

He slowly went up to her. "Jane, you okay?"

Jane nodded discreetly, refusing to speak. 

He nodded towards the building. "You coming?"

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