chapter fifty

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May 30th, 2002 - clean up at Ground Zero is completed.

Ashton, Michael, Calum And Luke, Met out front of their apartment building and quickly walked down the side walk to grab coffees at their favorite cafè.

Today was a special day, the mayor of New York City had announced that all the rubble and debris was finally cleared away from Ground Zero, he was inviting everyone down to the site to have a little commencement.

The boys agreed that it would be a great idea to pay their final respects to the fallen, and it would be a good way to face their fears. They were hungry for closure.

After getting the coffee they headed to the nearest subway entrance and stood patiently on the platform waiting for their train. Not too long after getting into the train platform, a young woman approached them, she was shaking a little and awkwardly smiled at the four men.

Calum side-eyed her, realizing she looked a bit familiar, it was Felicia.
"Oh my god, Felicia is that you?" Calum nearly spat out his coffee all over the place. He was in disbelief. Felicia walked straight up to Calum, and they hugged immediately. "How are you babe?"
It really warmed Calum's heart to see her. "I'm much better now I think, I go to therapy on a weekly basis."

"And you Calum? You look really good."

Calum cleared his throat a little before talking. "This is the best I've ever felt, in a long time, honest to God."

"Where are you headed to?" Felicia quickly changed the subject.

"Lower Manhattan." Felicia explained that, that's where she was going to as well.

Luke walked over moments later, wanting to get in on the conversation. "How are you Felicia?" Felicia hugged Luke without hesitation.

"Way, way better. The days were hard at first, but now they're getting easier."Luke smiled at Felicia's words.

After Felicia wrapped up her conversations with Calum and Luke, Luke introduced Felicia to Michael and Ashton. They had a little chat, and hugged each other.

"If you ever need anything Felicia, don't hesitate to ask, and you know where to find us." When Ashton finished talking the train pulled in, and everyone packed their ways into the small subway cars.

Around 20 minutes later, the train pulled into their stop, and as the band was making their way up the stairs Luke phone rang. It was Sierra. Luke ushered the rest of the band along, as he talking on the phone. When the phone call concluded, the rest of the band was already half way down the street. Luke jogged a little to catch up. "Sierra and Kaykay, are already there." Luke explained to Calum, Calum nodded his head. "Crystal has to walk the dogs she told me she'd meet up there." Michael said every word with a smile.

Not too long after they made it to their destination, crowds of people were already standing around - the area was completely fenced in and you couldn't really walk that far. Sierra and KayKay, recognizes the boys almost immediately making their ways toward them.
Sierra hugged Luke. Kaykay hugged Ashton. And not even two minutes later crystal walked up behind Michael hugging him from behind.
For the most part they all stood next to their significant others, they wanted to make sure that they remained calm.

A few minutes later, people dressed in police uniforms and firefighter uniforms came trickling over. Everyone got silent pretty fast.
The mayor of the city, stood at the podium preparing to open the ceremony. "I would like to ask everyone to quiet down. Today is an important day - not just for the city but for the world. Today is May 30th, 2002, the final load of debris was taken off the site at dawn this morning. At this time I'd like to turn this over to the fire commissioner of NYC." The mayor walked off the podium, and the commissioner walked into the podium, people in the crowd started to clap.

"Firstly I want to thank anyone who took time out of there day to come down here. On behalf of the FDNY, we appreciate anyone and everyone for believing in us and for giving us so much love and support. From all the people who donated money , food, housing or simply just cheered us on."
Ashton glanced over and Calum making sure he was okay, KayKay Tapped Cal on the shoulder telling him to move closer to her and Ashton to feel safer. Calum scooted over a bit, he appreciated the kind gesture.

"This clean up symbolizes new beginnings and that we're ready to move forward. We'll never forget the brave 343 firefighters who gave their lives here. Before I hand this over to the police commissioner I'd like to hold a moment of silence."

After the moment of silence, the police commissioner came up to the podium to speak. "I'd like to say thank you again for everyone who turned up today. This means more to us than you'll ever know. Thank you to anyone whose had our backs over the last few months, it was a heavy battle. We lost some amazing people along the way, but their heroism and sacrifices will never be forgotten."
As the police commissioner was speaking Ashton and Calum got a bit caught off guard, there was a woman standing in front of them, visibly shaking, holding a small child one arm and a flower in the other. Ashton glanced over and Calum, nodding his head, "help her." Ashton whispered.
Now it was Calum's chance, he awkwardly, tapped the distressed woman on the shoulder, she quickly spun around.
"Are you okay? Do you wanna step out?" Calum whispered questions at her, she shook her head in agreement. Calum stepped away first followed by the woman and her small child. They walked over to a less crowded area, so neither one of them would feel overwhelmed. 
"I saw that you were shaking, and a bit upset, I just wanted to make sure you're alright. Are you?" The woman looked all around before looking back at Calum.
"Yeah,yeah just a bit overwhelmed. I'm okay, though."

Calum just gazed at her. "No, you're not okay."
The woman was shocked by Calum's words and broke down into tears in front of him. "Im sorry for making you cry."
The child started to get fussy so another young woman came rushing over, grabbing the child, to calm him down.

"I'm sorry again for upsetting you even more."
Calum was full of sympathy and compassion.
Cal placed his hand on the woman's shoulder, and she looked up at Calum beginning to calm down. "No, you didn't upset me. Thanks for caring."

And when Calum was least expecting it she hugged him. "I didn't catch your name." He said to her. She managed to let out a soft smile.

"I'm nicolette." Nicolette shook Calum's hand. "I'm Calum." Calum blushed.
"May I ask why you were upset?" Nicolette appreciated Calum's concern. "My husband, was a police officer, and he never came home and never was found...." nicolette trailed off.

"I've been living at different friends houses so they can help me take care of my son, Max."

"I'm really sorry." Calum told Nicolette his condolences.

"It looks like they're wrapping things up...again, I'm really sorry about everything. It was nice meeting you." And as Calum was about to walk away back to the band, nicolette pulled out a tiny piece of paper with her number on it.

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