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January 20th, 2014 ~

Luke remained in a coma for seven days. Sierra remained at his bed side day and night, watching and waiting.

It was Monday, exactly one week since the car crash.

A few moments ago, Luke had regained consciousness and was some what response. Doctors, nurses and specialists Came rushing in and out examining Luke.

Sierra watched from afar as she watched them shine a light in his face, check his vitals and everything in between.

Luke groaned out in pain, as everyone Crowded around him making sure he was breathing okay, and that his heart rate was normal.

"Mr Hemmings, Mr Hemmings, it's alright, you were in an awful car accident. It's a miracle that you are alive."

Luke squirmed, his arm was weak, his torso ached and he was finally breathing on his own.

Sierra covered her mouth, to stop herself from gasping, as she watched one of the doctors pull the breathing tube out of Luke's throat.

Luke coughed as the fresh air filled his lungs for the first time in several days.

"Sir how are you feeling?" A tall doctor holding a clip board hung over Luke, Luke was still trying to adjust to the lighting and was trying to make sense of what was going on.

Luke started to moan and grown, attempting to grab onto the casted up arm —

He rubbed his free arm against the cast, his voice was raspy as he attempted to speak, "my guitar playing arm.."

Luke began to get upset. And it broke Sierra's heart to watch her husband be a in this kind of condition.

"The bone that runs from your hand to your shoulder broke in multiple places, requiring surgery, you may or may night ever regain full function it."

Sierra felt sick hearing the doctor's stern voice. Luke squeezed his eyes shut for about a minute, absorbing all the information he was being told before opening them again.

When he opened them he attempted to pick his head up in attempt to sit up and all the nurses came scrambling to make sure he layed back down. "Please don't move and please don't try and get up — Mr. Hemmings, you sustained lots of internal injuries, it's too dangerous to move around."

"We're going to give you more pain meds so you can get some rest. You have a long road ahead of you." One of the doctors quickly took out a few different types of medicines in various sizes syringes and began giving them too Luke one by one. He flitched each time, but was happy to feel instant relief minutes later.

"Now you try and relax, we'll check on you a little later — but for now we have a few little visitors who've been hanging out side the door."

As all the doctors finally headed out, Trinity and Cassidy came into the doorway. The both of them shocked to see their father wide awake looking in their direction.

"Daddy we missed you!" Both twins spoke in unison walking quickly toward the bed.

"I missed you guys so much." Luke managed to let out a few words.

The girls went up on both side of their father's bed and managed to kiss either of his cheeks and Sierra nearly lost it standing a few feet away.

Trinity glanced at her mother and then at her father, "why is mommy crying?"

Before Luke could answer her question Sierra already jumped to answer the question, "I'm so glad we're together again."

Trinity and Cassidy hung around Their father's side for a while, Sierra arranged Felicia to come pick the girls up in the lobby to take them back to the house so they can do homework and eat dinner.

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