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"Renji." his Captain called wanting to correct him for his arrogance in speaking to his commanding officer like that but the man just ignored his warning voice.

"but just look at the sword boss! It's big but it has no strength to back it up! It's obvious he's not capable of exterminating evil spirits! Hey what's the name of your Zanpaktou!?" Renji demanded making Izumi sigh heavily, there was never a need for him to find out that information. He was a 'Substitute Soul Reaper' for a reason.

"The name? I don't do that kind of thing! Do you actually go around naming your swords!?" Ichigo replied dumbly making Izumi want to smack her head again but she just kept her ground while standing just in front of Ichigo. She knew that he wouldn't be able to over power this guy on his own; it was up to her to make sure no one was killed today.

"Figures, didn't even ask his sword it's name! To think he came to fight as my equal! Come back after you train for two thousand years!" he screamed before activating his Skikai, the Zanpaktou's second form.

"Roar, Hebiojoumaru! Look in front of you! In front of your eyes there's food for you!" Renji screamed while jumping in the air; Izumi was fully prepared to attack but at the last moment Ichigo pushed her out of the way and attempted to defend himself by blocking. Without much effort, the end of Renji's blade sank into Ichigo's back before he ripped it back. "This is the end, rookie! You will lose to me, Abarai Renji! You will die here!"

"You idiot!" Izumi screamed at the same time as she watched Ichigo's blood spray onto her body and her surroundings; "Hebiojoumaru, means a snake-like weapon!" panic filled her veins as more harm then she had ever allowed to come to her friend happened all at once right in front of her eyes. 


Izumi stayed frozen while watching as Ichigo fell to his knees just in front of her; her mind was in complete panic, and her body didn't know which command to follow as thousands of emotions ran through her soul. 

"Sorry Rookie, this is due to the difference in our strengths. A Zanpaktou can change size and shape depending on the spiritual strength of the owner. You see, this is my true strength." Renji pointed with his Zanpaktou making Izumi look up from Ichigo's back still I shock; her body still didn't know what to do, it didn't know how to handle the situation before them. "I don't have a personal grudge against you, but you're not fit for this world. I'll finish you slowly, and then I'll be returning." Renji said confidently making Izumi's eyes widen, however she still couldn't do anything. The fear and guilt of watching her best friend die in front of her was too much for her to bear, even if it hadn't happened yet. Renji drew his arm back preparing for his finishing blow while Rukia and Izumi stood by and watched. 

However, unlike Izumi, Rukia wasn't scared into shock, no she was using whatever time was left to figure out a way to make the boy she had come to befriend run away with his life. She couldn't believe that Izumi was just standing by and doing nothing. It was all up to her to save the boy's life while she could. And that was exactly what she was going to do. Right before Renji took the final swing, Rukia launched forward, and grabbed hold of the red haired man's arm. 

"What the!? Rukia what the hell are you doing!? Let go! Are you trying to make this into a bigger crime, you idiot!?" Renji screamed while Rukia looked to Ichigo and then to Izumi who seemed to be waking up out of her shocked episode.

"Ichigo run! Just run away!" she hollered while holding onto the man's arm with her life. She watched as light began to flood back into Izumi's eyes and she took a deep breath as if she had been underwater for awhile. Rukia thanked God that Izumi seemed to be coming back around and then looked to Ichigo who grasped his sword tightly startling her and Renji. 

Izumi stepped forward and grasped Ichigo's uninjured shoulder before whispering something in his ear quietly. No one else could hear the words the girl had said, but when she pulled back and stood straight again a dark expression took over her features; one that shook even Rukia to her core. Renji attempted to ignore the strange woman, and instead looked back at his opponent who seemed as though life was re-entering his body. 

"You still have enough strength to move? Well that's good. Giving the last blow to somebody who's almost dead is boring." Renji said coolly while shaking Rukia off and being to get back into his fighting position. "One more time then, let's go. Enjoy you final moments of fighting!" he said confidently with a confident smirk on his face. 

Rukia pushed herself up from the ground and shouted for Ichigo to run away, for him to just leave her there; but she stopped short when she saw Izumi in a familiar position with her arm raised in the air. Ichigo started to slowly get to his feet without looking up towards anyone. Izumi stood off just a few feet behind him with a total look of confidence on her face before she swung her arm down. 

"Release!" she shouted startling the others and making them stare at her confused. Renji decided to brush her off and just prepare for the up coming fight, that he was sure that he would win. 

"What's wrong? Gonna have your little girlfriend do all the work for you? If you're not gonna attack, then I will!" he declared but just as the words left his mouth, a huge amount of spiritual pressure was released from Ichigo's body. It caught Renji so off guard that he wasn't able to dodge Ichigo's attack which sliced his shoulder. It was too fast for him to even see, and Renji couldn't believe that he was the same opponent as before. He couldn't even turn around fast enough to avoid Ichigo's next attack which sent him flying with a nasty gash on his forehead. 

Renji kept himself from falling, and breathed through the pain of the head wound he had just suffered; he tried to assess the situation to figure out how exactly the boy had gotten such a power up so quickly. But then the image of Izumi declaring a 'release' popped into his mind making his eyes widen. Not only did he realize, but so did Byakuya as he observed the scene in front of him; Renji would surely lose if he allowed the battle to continue. 

"What's wrong!? Your movements became really slow!! And so suddenly too!" Ichigo mocked while a wide smile took hold of his lips. Renji gritted his teeth as he listened to the boy laugh, he scanned his eyes over to Izumi who was on the sidelines of the match; he saw regret and sadness in her eyes before he refocused on his opponent. He knew that she had unlocked his increasing power, and he realized just how strong he was. He could feel Ichigo's spiritual power just by him talking and he couldn't believe just how heavy it was. 

"Let's end this! I'm gonna be the winner! Izumi stay out of this!" Ichigo declared while raising his sword preparing to strike Renji down once more, only this time, would be the last time. Izumi's heart was heavy as he demanded that she stay put, and she closed her eyes not wanting to see her best friend take another person's life. If it was by her hand she wouldn't be so humbled, but Ichigo was pure, he was clean. Sure Ichigo had gotten a big head about having so much power so quickly, but she still didn't feel that he had needed to declare she was not to interfere with his battle; she hated how he acted with his power sometimes. What she hadn't counted for was before he could hit his mark, and before she even realized it, Ichigo's Zanpaktou was suddenly cut in two making the boy stop. 

With Izumi's eyes closed, she hadn't realized something was wrong until the sound of metal clanking to the ground; by the time she had opened them all she saw was Byakuya standing behind Ichigo. Rage and fear filled her body as she looked from one male to the other; right as her eyes focused on Ichigo, blood gushed from his chest making her heart stop. Right before her eyes he was falling again; only this time, she didn't know if he would get back up. 

Her friend had been stabbed straight through at the chest, and while he was attacked, she was standing there with her eyes closed. She had gotten soft; and now Ichigo Kurosaki may die before her eyes.

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