Chapter 1 - Where it all started

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It all started when I was in a family and friends gathering. It was then that my life got knocked out of it's course.

Let me start by introducing myself my names is Iris Carvalho. I'm Portuguese but I am currently living in the UK with my relatives.

I'm an ex military, ex paratrooper to be more precise, unfortunately I suffered an injury that incapacitated me to any and all military service. I am now studying to be a veterinarian assistant.
I was born on the 23rd of June of 1996.
I guess you can learn the rest as we go along.

As I was saying it all started at that gathering.
I had just finished helping with the preparations and the firsts guests were arriving. I didn't know most of the people attending so I was walking around looking for something to occupy myself with.
I came across a collection of figurines that I had never seen before. I stopped and picked up a few of them that looked interesting, studying them and putting them back in their place.
"Hey don't break'em."
I turned my head in the direction of the sound seeing one of my cousins staring at me. I raised my eyebrow at her.
"I'm not."
She gave me a warning look while she walked into the backyard.
Not knowing what that was about I shrugged and went back to what I was doing. After a few minutes I had a feeling of being watched I tried to ignore it, thinking I was just being paranoid, but even after several minutes the feeling wouldn't go away. I lifted my eyes being met with golden ones from a gorgeous dark blonde haired girl.
When she noticed I was looking back at her, she quickly looked away biting her lip. I took that as an opportunity to study her. She was wearing a checkered red and black top, with a red leather jacket over it, skinny ripped jeans and black converse. I also noticed her long wavy hair that had small braids decorating it, she kept messing with it every minute or so.
The blonde kept glancing at me and when she shifted slightly in my direction I noticed she was holding hands with a guy. Tilting my head to the side in curiosity observing them but chose to ignore it focusing back on the figurine I had been holding, deciding to put it back on the shelf and moving on to examine the bookshelf that was further away from the backyard. Walking through the now busy room and leaving the girl behind.


The phrases in italic are thoughts while the ones in bold are things said out loud both between characters or a character talking to themselves.

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