I dare you - Iris' POV

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I lead the way into my favourite cozy diner, followed by two of my favourite people. Both of them were quiet, probably lost in their own thoughts. 

I sit down expecting them to do the same but instead what I get is hesitation, both women just standing there as if they have suddenly turned to stone. This scenario didn't change even after a full minute went by leaving me more and more confused. 

"Are you girls okay? Is something wrong?" As I asked this I looked between the two hoping for any kind of indication of what was going on.

The silence stretches longer becoming more noticeable with each passing second. My gaze rested upon both girls which mostly were avoiding my gaze looking between each other and the sits in front of them. As I was about to speak again Gabriella uncertainty finally seems to break into pieces as she let's herself fall into the seat opposite from me as if her her weight was too much for her legs to handle anymore. 

"Considering everything that is going on I'm not surprised at the heaviness that surrounds her every movement she makes seems heavy and forced as if she needs to convince herself to move, to keep moving. The quiet strenght she always possesses sometimes still leaves me in awe, keeping herself together no matter what. Not letting life break her. It's admirable but also sad watching her carry that way weight without sharing it with anyone ... I can't really blame her I'm the same way.

I get brought back to reality as someone finally speaks.

"Just sit down!" The exasperation clear in the latina's voice is externalised even more by an  exaggerated eye roll.

Lowering her head the cute freckled girl shuffles in place before gingerly sitting by my side. There's a soft floral smell to her. Reminds me of the green tea with jasmin I sometimes drink. Hinting at a comforting sweetness hidden just beneath the surface.

A couple of minutes go by before Sofia walks up to our booth her black hair held in a ponytail swaying behind her with every step. Her sunny smile gave us a full show of her dimples that make so much people melt. 

"I can't really blame them there's always a brightness to her that just feels so inviting It's kinda funny how opposite she is to her sister but yet just as strong. One look at her would never tell you about how hard her life has been! She's a beautiful positive ball of energy that knows exactly how to give light to people's lives."

And here she was doing just that. "Hey Iris! Sam! Long time no see!" Her hazel gaze falls upon the shy girl next to me. "You used to come here all the time!" A heabeat later her eyes are back on me. "I didn't know you two are friends!" I catch a blush creeping up Sam's face as she looks outside. I follow her gaze seeing the so familiar park. I don't have time to wonder about that reaction before the sunshine voice beams back up. 

"Hey lil sis! Don't forget to message mom to let her know at what time you're getting back home!

As usual the younger of the two gives out attitude! "I'm not a kid anymore!" As if to point this out she rolls her eyes as well as her whole head leaving her looking outside the window her eyes turning cloudy. "Anyone seeing this exchange would never be able to tell that they are each other's rocks. They're best friends tho G would never admit it out loud. You can tell how much she adores and respects her.

The feisty short girl looks best at her sister getting only a look that causes her to relent as a sigh escapes her. Typing away at her phone quickly before showing it back. "I can see the apology in her eyes as she does so!

"Happy now?" There's no bite to her voice this time which causes a smile to bloom on the black haired woman's face before she speaks. 

"Thank you!"

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