Chapter 5 - Jealousy

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Iris POV

I woke up early from a surprisingly restful sleep, even tho it wasn't long.
"It's weird how one person being in your house can change it's atmosphere so much!" I grabbed my phone from the small glass table in front of me, looking at the time it read 5:47 am. I turned on the TV with barely any sound on as to not wake up Sam. "Sam. What are you doing to me? My life is turning upside down since you walked into it!" I didn't manage to find anything interesting on which lead me to change into a music channel. As the music played I went to the kitchen to get everything ready to make breakfast as I worked I kept singing and dancing around the kitchen. Soon enough everything was prepared. "I still have to wait for Samantha to get up I have no clue what she likes or even if she doesn't eat some kind of food... I really don't know much about her, do I?"
I walked away from the kitchen and into the hall that lead to the backyard. I opened the door so the dogs could get out and play. The air was fresh without being too cold so I sat on the porch swing one of my knees pulled up to my chest so I could rest my chin on it. I don't know how much time passed of me watching the two goofballs play when I heard a noise from inside the house. Looking over my shoulder I saw the stunning blonde. "I guess she just woke up but fuck she looks drop dead gorgeous." The freckled brit offered me a shy smile as flipped her long wavy hair to one side. Tiptoing barefoot to the door before she took a seat next to me. "Did you sleep well?" Once again the golden eyed girl smiled. "Yes I did! Your bed is so comfortable!" A slight blush rose to her cheeks. "I can never figure out what's going through her head!" I tried to puzzle it together but after a while I dismissed that line of thinking for later time. "Do you want to watch the sunrise or should we go inside and have breakfast?" Sam's gaze met mine. "Can we stay? I haven't watched the sunrise in a very long time!" My eyes light up at her words. I always loved watching the sunrise. It feels so peaceful, there's something so breathtaking about witnessing nature waking up. I felt a head rest on my shoulder as we took in the world as it changed colors at the same time as nature started to sing. "This feels like the perfect start of the day!" As the sky slowly turned to blue my belly growled loudly like an angry wild animal. A light chuckle escaped the gorgeous girl's lips. "I guess it's about time we have breakfast!" I felt embarrassed but the smirk on her face kept me from thinking about it too much. "That's way too distracting!" The light reflected in her eyes making them look like liquid gold. As she jumped up a hand was extended my way, a silent offer for help. I took without hesitation when I did so, I immediately got pulled back inside the house, lead by the hand in mine. "Humm where's the kitchen?" I couldn't help but chuckle at the question. "To the left of the living room."The british girl eagerly took me there. Entering the kitchen her eyes seemed to shine as they landed on the partially prepared food. Her gaze fell on me making me flustered. "I know it's too much food but I didn't know what you like." Sam squeezed my hand comfortingly. "How about some pancakes? Maybe with some fruit or chocolate chips? Ooh ooh maybe waffles! Those sound pretty good too!" The light skinned beauty talked excitedly as if nothing could break her good mood. An affectionate smile bloomed on my face. "She's so freaking adorable!" "I can do a bit of everything if you want." I stated while grabbing what I needed to prepare what she had rambled on about. "Omg thank you! You're the best!" Samantha's gorgeous smile illuminated her face causing one to show in mine as well. "You can take a sit while I get things ready." I was trying not to blush from her words.  At the same time as I was cooking I could feel her eyes on me making me feel distracted. To try and keep myself from getting clumsy I started to hum bringing my focus away from the sensation of being watched and back to the cooking. After some time the girl with the constellations on her face piped up. "You have a lovely voice!" Her comment took me by surprise and a pink tint warmed up my features. "Thanks so do you!" I said after clearing my throat. Her hands covered her face as she mumbled incomprehensibly into them. I looked on at her gesture. "How does she go from absolutely stunning to an adorable goofball in a split second?" I shook away my wonderment, choosing to go back to the issue at hand which was feeding us both.
"Breakfast is ready!" I announced proudly. Hearing my dogs' nails hitting the floor as they ran back to the house and into the kitchen. "I guess you guys are hungry too huh?" They both sat on the floor staring up at me as they happily waited to be fed. I got their bowls and poured some food for them. As I sat down I noticed the molten swirling gold eyes focused on me. The softness they held surprised me. "Shall we?" I asked getting an immediate nod. "I'm starving and this smells amazing." After the first bite the blonde groaned in pleasure make my heart jump in surprise. "Holy shit! What was that?" The sound she made stirred something inside me making me want to hear her again.
We made small talk as we ate quickly cleaning our plates. "What are your plans for today?" The stunning light skinned girl asked as we were doing the dishes. "I don't have any yet. How about you?" "Humm nothing either ... But I think I need a shower before anything else." I dried my hands turning to look at the girl. "Is it alright if I do it here? Or if you're uncomfortable with that I can go home and come back." All the fidgeting gave me pause. "Why does she seem so nervous? Wait did she say come back?" "Come back?" I voiced out loud making the girl flinch. "Humm yeah I just thought that since neither of us has plans that maybe we could do something together." She rushed out. "Alright that sounds good! About the shower, I'm fine with you taking one here but I'm not sure if I have something that fits you." I pointed out since I was not only shorter but we also have different body types. "I think I can figure something out." Was the answer I got back. "Follow me then." I went into my room and pointed to the bathroom's closed door. "That's the bathroom. You can take a shower there since you'll be closer to the clothes which are there." I pointed to another door on the other side of the room. "Feel free to look around in it for anything to wear." She nodded. "Oh I almost forgot! The towels are in the cabinet in the bathroom. Left door." "Thanks." I smiled at the british girl. "No problem! I'll see you in a bit." I walked out of the room closing the door behind me. I sat down on the couch and started to flip through the channels. My phone beeped with an incoming message from my best friend. While I was writing a quick text back I remembered Gabriella's parting words to me. I fished the paper with her number out of it's hiding spot and sent her a message.
"Hey it's Iris this is my number. I hope you have a good day."
I put my phone down but soon after it I received a new message.
"Hola bonita! It's good to hear from you! Do you have plans for today?"
My fingers danced across the screen as I typed an answer.
"I'm going out with a friend. How about you?"
This time it took longer for the screen to light up.
"Would it be alright if I tag along? I was hoping we could hang out!"
I tilted my head to the side.
"Idk I have to ask my friend."
Before I even locked my phone Gabi answered.
"Alright let me know."
I waited to the dark blonde haired girl to finish getting ready. Around a quarter of an hour later I heard my name being called. As I got into my room, my jaw dropped. "Holy shit she looks absolutely  stunning in my clothes." "What do you think?" Samantha asked while slowly turning, letting me get a good view of the full outfit, until she was facing me again. My brain stopped functioning for a few seconds as I simply stared in awe. "You look amazing!" My compliment bloomed a beautiful pink on her cheeks. "Thank you." She voiced out shyly. My leather jacket was slightly big on the shoulders but it still managed to look great on her. "Who knew she could pull off my clothes like that! Then again she would look stunning in any clothes!" The girl who kept leaving me speechless broke the silence. "I should let you get ready." Although she said this the beautiful british didn't move. "I almost forgot!" I said suddenly startling Sam. "One of my friends asked if it's alright for her to join us." The girl's expression hardened before going blank for a second as she seemed to stiffen. "Yeah sure." She supplied after a while. "Are you sure? I can tell her we can do it some other day!" A small smile graced her lips. "Yeah I'm sure." I shot a quick message to G letting her know it was alright and for her to meet us at the park.
Half an hour later we were enjoying the sun in the infamous park, where I met both girls, as we waited for G. Freckles  had barely said a word since we left the house. I studied her trying to figure out what was bothering her. The sunlight made her hair look alive the light bronze mixed in with the gold sparkled as a precious stone. I heard my name being called which caused me to pull my attention from the girl sitting next to me. Gabi was waving at me with a big smile on her face. I heard Sam mumble something under her breath. As the latina reached us her gaze shifted from me to the gorgeous girl beside me and back again. "Hey bonita!" "I don't think I will ever get used to that nickname." I was pulled into a hug getting a kiss on the cheek after. "Is this your friend?" "Hey Gabi! This is Samantha! Sam this is Gabriella!" They gave each other right smiles. "Nice to meet you!" Sam said in a clipped tone. "You too." The darker skinned girl shit back in a dismissive way. I could feel the tension between the two. "Maybe this wasn't such a good idea." "Shall we go?" I tried awkwardly causing both girls to look at me. We walked a few paces in silence. "Where do you girls want to go?" "Shopping!" "Cinema!" They stated at the same time. "I don't think Iris is the type of girl that enjoy shopping!" Gabriella pointed out harshly making her accent more noticeable. "I ..." As i tried to talk i got interrupted by the light skinned girl. "I wasn't aware you knew her that well!" She huffed in annoyance. As they kept on arguing I stopped walking, making the girls halt. Their attention focused on me causing me to feel embarrassed under the intensity of their gazes. "Damn what should I do? I never thought they would be fighting much less right from the beginning! Am I missing something?"
"What about an animal shelter?" I suggested weakly. "Cute animals and a bit of relaxation not to mention how good it feels to be loved unconditionally and giving them love back. It's just an idea." When I finally met their eyes the earlier intensity seemed dulled and something new yet softer was shining through. Looking at each other before giving a nod in confirmation. "That sounds great!" The golden eyed beauty so up seeming much calmer. "I could use some cuteness." The brunette stated with a smirk.
We left the park behind as we made our way to the local shelter.

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