Chapter 6 - Shelter

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Iris POV

The walk to the shelter was completely silent. Even tho the tension had eased a bit, it was still very obvious like a heavy dark cloud hanging over our heads ready to pour down at any given moment.
The closer we got to the shelter the more relaxed i felt. When the building was in sight a smile formed in my face as I started walking a bit faster. "I missed coming here." I thought to myself. "My safe haven, the place that keeps me sane!"
This shelter brought me together with Princesa. She was one of the dogs here. The first time i saw the pitbull she was in really bad shape. There was no fur on her body, she was malnourished not to mention full of scars. We connected almost instantly! She is such a sweetheart, so eager to love and be loved. From the moment I saw her she stole my heart.
As I pushed open the door the white soft lights illuminated the pastel blue walls, the gentleness of it not being lost on me.
"Hey you're back!" Was directed at me enthusiastically. Before I could turn around tiny arms wrapped around my hips. I knew who it was without even looking. "Hey little monkey." The response I got was a slight tightening of the arms around me. After a few seconds the small boy released me. I faced him before crouching down. "Have you been taking care of our friends?" He nods and grabs my hand while asking me to follow. I glance at the girls briefly finding their eyes already on me. I pointed to the teenage girl standing behind the counter with a soft smile on her face. "She'll tell you what you need to know." The redhead turned her attention to the women behind me. "Ooooh you brought company this time!" I was shot a mischievous glance. "They're breathtaking too! Where did you find them?" I stopped walking to meet the light green eyes staring me down, challenging me. "Alexis behave!" I said in a warning tone. "I'm an angel!" As she said this she smiled devishly. I allowed J to pull me along to the housing.
He took me into the open area where most of the dogs were playing. "Look!" His little finger pointed at the dogs. "Sunshine, Lady and Mads are already playing!" I smiled down at the boy. "I'm glad! I see you've been taking good care of them." I ruffled his hair and a smile broke through illuminating his whole face. "What about the others?" I asked sadly. The little man's demeanor changed immediately his eyes becoming watery. "Brenda is in heaven now but Lora and Spot are getting better. Uffe hurt his paw he is clumsy." He wiped away the tears with the back of his hand. I kneeled in front of him sitting on my feet, causing him to jump into my arms. The sobs shaking his small frame until eventually they stopped as he calmed down. The small boy pulled away slowly. "Thank you!" I wiped away the remaining of his tears. "You don't need to thank me buddy."
"Are you ready to see them?" The kid asked me after a couple of minutes. "Lead the way!" I said feeling content for being there for the small boy. J happily chatted away as we walked, catching me up on what has happened since I've last been here. Apparently Bahman has started to learn how to play with other dogs. He had been used in dog fights except he refused to fight, leaving him with large scars along his body. He was so scared of medium and big sized dogs that he wouldn't even want to go outside. With work and the help of Olena, a slightly smaller dog than him, that refused to leave his side since we introduced them. She was his light, the bridge for him to start trusting the others and now he had made another step into being ready for adoption.
We started taking care of the dogs as well as cleaning their spaces not forgetting to make sure they have everything they need.
Some time later the three girls joined us. Alexis looked incredibly smug. I directed a questioning look at her prompting a devilish smile to split her face. "That's not good! What has she been up to?" Not taking her eyes off of me she whispered something to Sam and pointed in my direction. The blonde girl nodded, starting to move in my direction. "Alexis is asking us to give a bath to some of the dogs. She said it's a two person job." I glanced over Sam's shoulder to see the redhead smirking at me as well as a very disgruntled Gabriella. "So that's your plan? Damn kid! You know I'll have to be on my sport's bra so I don't get my clothes wet. Sneaky little rascal."
My eyes met with golden ones capturing me in their warmth. "Come on then." The gorgeous girl got into step with me.
She watched me for a while before speaking up. "You seem somehow lighter since you've mentioned coming here!" I sighed contently. "I feel lighter! This place keeps me sane!" My answer changed the expression on the beautiful golden eyes. Her silence stretched on for the rest of the way as she seemed lost in thought.
As we got to our destination the barking started. The excitement palpable in the air around us causing a chuckle to escape me. The freckled girl smiled at me as her eyes sparkled like fireworks in the night.
I took my time making sure to give a little of attention to all the dogs before grabbing Brutus and bringing him to the bathing area. "This silly boy right here is Brutus. We're doing him first because he is one of the hardest ones." I caught a look of apprehension for my words. "Nothing like that!" I reassured. "He just gets too excited he loves water!" As I said I could feel the gorgeous blonde's eyes scrutinizing me, like she was searching for any indication I was lying. I  lifted Brutus into the tub. "Can you grab the black and gold towel that is in there." I said indicating the big dark wood chest in the corner. I took of my clothes leaving me in my sport's bra and jeans. I felt eyes on me causing me to look to the side. Sam was standing frozen in place mouth slightly open, the towel i asked for was in her hand so I extended mine to get it but the British didn't move a muscle, the only change happening on her face which was turning redder by the second. "Sam?" I called unsure. She snapped out of whatever transe she was in. "Uhm yeah! HERE!" There was finally some movement from the girl even tho they seemed shakey, her hands were steady enough to pass me the towel.
I looked the light skinned girl over. "You might want to step back or take that off." "What? Why?" The blonde beauty stammered. "You'll end up soaked to your bones." There was a couple of blinks of a pause before action was taken. In one decided move she removed them sparking a blush to rise to my face. The constellation of freckles spread across her pale skin, delicately caressing her shoulders and falling down to her chest like rain. I shook myself off the stupor I was in, focusing back on the task at hand. As soon as I grabbed the shower head Brutus started barking loudly, his tail wagging so fast that it was like a whip was hitting you. I turned on the shower leading the grey pitbull to try and bite the water sending it flying everywhere. I heard a shocked gasp from my side. A laugh bubbled from my chest as I turned to Sam. "I warned you!" Returning my gaze she half shouted half laughed. "I hate you!" As she tried to turn the shower in my direction. I snorted at her words but her eyes had already found another distraction. As I caught her a rosy blush adorned her starry face as she abruptly turned away.
We worked for a while a few chuckles breaking through our casual conversation. I named every dog to her as I went to get them. It was when I brought Adora out a light yellow, blue eyed golden retriever and German Shepherd mix that Sam basically melt. Adora curiously approached her. As the gorgeous Brit touched the dog's head softly they seemed to instantly connect. "Oh my God! You're so cute! I might just take you home with me!" I couldn't stop the smile that formed on my lips. "You can take the lead on this one." I said putting Adora in the tub and handing over the shower head to the light haired girl. She took it gingerly. " You seem a lot more relaxed here! Like there's a weight off your chest!" I offered a half smile before answering. "That's because here there are no expectations! It's one of the reasons I like animals so much! Because you can get away from expectations! You see animals don't expect anything from you! They just want to love and be loved. No expectations, no conditions and no judgements!" I noticed she had stopped to bath Adora choosing instead to look at me with a softness in her eyes. "I understand that feeling. Thank you for bringing me here!" We shared a heartfelt smile before returning to our work.
As we finished we walked back to the others. G looked annoyed while Alexis and J were bickering. "We're back." As soon as the words left my mouth I was ran over by the excited little monkey. "I taught Taavi to give his paw! HE IS SO CUTE!" "Good job buddy!" I ruffled his hair proudly.
Alexis approached with her trademark smirk. "Did you girls have fun?" Gabriella interrupted with. "Damn what took you so long?" Blinking in surprise with her harshness I explained. "It always takes this long." I looked back at the teenage redhead. "Everything is done on this side. Anything else to do?" Alex shook her head. "No that's all." A nod was the only acknowledgement I gave her words. "Does that mean we can go now?" Gabi asked happily. "Yeah!" As we started walking the beautiful Brit called out. "Go on without me. I'll catch up in a minute!"
We waited outside the door the brunette broke the silence settling around us. "I always meant to ask why do you like parkour?" "The freedom!" I looked away from the girl and to the park as memories flooded my head. "It gives me a sense of freedom but it's not just that, it taught me that if you stop seeing every little rock in your way as something impossible to get through you will be able to be so much more, to do so much more but if you focus too much on the small rocks on your path so much so that they're all you see while the world keeps passing you by without you noticing." I looked back at the dark skinned girl. She had this unreadable expression on her face. "Ah sorry! I started ranting!" I rubbed my neck in embarrassment. Gabriella surprised me when she reached out to softly touch my face. "It's adorable! I like your fire! Your passion!" She said the last part before biting her lip. "Am I interrupting?" There's no way to miss the ice in her voice as she steps forward causing the Latina to step back. I give her a smile. "All done?" Sam nods stepping closer. "Dinner and a movie?" The gorgeous girl asked with a spark of hope in her liquid gold eyes. "Sure princess!" Gabi sassed sarcastically pushing past Sam and grabbing me by the hand as she pulled me away. I looked over my shoulder back at the girl staring at us with a hurt expression. I extended my hand to the British prompting her to rush and grab it. I was gifted a thankful smile as she laced her fingers through mine.
That's how we left the shelter behind, hand in hand and a light in our eyes that we haven't yet identified.

Author's Note


I hope all of you are doing well. I'm sorry about my long absence but my Muse keeps escaping me.

I wanted to thank you all for reading my book when I started I didn't think I would get any reads and now I crossed the 500 threshold and I'm so happy!
You're all so amazing!
Thank you so much!


I want to ask if you guys are interested in Gabriella's POV and if you want to see it. I have some ideas for her and I wanted to know if that's something the readers have interest in.
If so let me know in the comments.

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