(Not quite a) Nightmare

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Sam's POV

I follow the two women, my mind lighter and more focused than before. There's an excited energy bubbling inside of me to finally be in one of this classes in person without having to watch from the outside.
My eyes subconsciously drift to Iris' imposing physique. Every movement flowing perfectly into the next hinting gracefully at the power held just beneath the surface.
"Choose a space please!" I hear her rasp in my direction and breaking me out of my trance.
"I hope she didn't notice me staring!" I try to contain the blush threatening to flare up on my cheeks. Looking away and pretending to examine my options before sheepishly walking towards one.
I get settled trying not to stare too much at the goddess and she welcomes the newly arrived people.
A couple of minutes later a face I recognise arrives hurriedly and apologises profusely. The brunette brushes it off with a smile and turns towards the group waiting attentively to her every word.
"They all seem completely enraptured by her charisma and voice, the same way I have been since before I even met her. There's just an irresistible pull to her, the kind you don't even know how to fight even if you wanted to!"
A few explanations accompanied by stretches later and we're ready to begin.
"For the following exercises I'll need you guys to pair up. We will demonstrate and then you will repeat them, we will correct you as well as help you adjust where necessary."
As I look around I see Gabriella beline towards me. Her body language is mostly relaxed with a hint of hesitance.
"Can I join you?" Her eyes remain on my face even tho she takes a step back sliding slightly to the side as if to leave an opening for me in case I want to get out. That softness in her voice she showed earlier is back contrasting heavily with what my first impression of her was. "If only most people that meet her knew this side to her maybe she wouldn't be so intimidating to be around!"
I nod slowly, gesturing with my arm for her to do so. We fall into a comfortable silence as everyone pairs up and returns their attention to the front where the fit woman easily manhandles her male counterpart. Exemplifying every step in a clear and concise way. Everyone follows the instructions some clearly more acquainted with martial arts than others.
Both instructors walk around observing and correcting where necessary. As Iris approach us I can feel both of us stiffen slightly, showing some nervous energy as we share a look before repeating the exercise. The weight of her gaze makes my knees weak.
"Wait! I'll show you an easy trick that will make it easier for you both." She steps into our mat instinctively making us back up to give her space.
Her eyes shine with amusement at our little gesture. "I need at least one of you to help me." Ella exchanges a look with me before giving me a knowing smirk and backing up another step. This causes the olive skinned woman to chuckle. "I swear I'll be gentle!" Her side smile speeds up my heart in the best way possible which does nothing to help calm me down. "How can she say that in such an innocent way when all the thoughts she is giving me are anything but that." I shakily move in her direction her eyes softening into a gentle embrace.
"Hi there Freckles!" The little teasing tone in her voice doesn't go by unnoticed and it does the most sinful things to me.
With both hands she beckons me forward. My body gaining a mind of it's own follows her request before my mind even has time to catch up. Her hands are firm against me setting my body ablaze and my mind into shambles. There isn't a single coherent thought in my head and in the next second I'm gently being lowered into the ground completely bewildered.
A deep blush spreading through my face. There's a puzzled look on the beautiful face of the woman kneeling beside me.
"Are you okay? Was that too fast?"
I blink rapidly trying to refocus my mind and pull it out of the gutter. Pushing myself up to a sitting position, I shake my head. I'm offered a hand as the breathtaking brunette gets up. I take it, being effortlessly pulled back to my feet. I hear Ella snicker beside me which snaps me back into reality.
I give her an annoyed look while squinting. As an idea crosses my mind I smirk evily and raise an eyebrow at the latina.
"Can you show me on Gabriella please will be easier for me to see it better!"
The shorter girl's eyes go wide as she snaps her eyes to mine. I can see a rose tint spread across her cheeks as she fumbles her words for a second.
"Is that okay Gabs?" Iris tilts her head slightly to the side trying to catch her gaze.
Grabiella takes a deep breath and throws me a look over her shoulder as she wills herself to move.
"That would have worked better if your face wasn't flaming red."
I shake my head while smiling. This time I actually keep my head in place and watch properly, a task that is made a lot easier by the fact that the goddess hands aren't on me.
After our little private showcase Iris walks away. As the class goes on, me and Ella bicker, tease as well as make fun of each other as we go through the exercises. By the time it ends we're a mess but we are happy while surprisingly a lot closer to each other.
"She's a lot more fun to hang around than I thought she would be. I'm actually glad Iris brought us together."
We move towards our crush to say our goodbyes for the day.
"My two favourite human girls!" Iris says with a genuine smile. "Are you off now?"
We both glow under her praise. I nod and squeeze her hand melting a little as she retributes my gesture. "Take care gorgeous!"
"You too Iris!" I wave at them both as I move towards the exit.
I walk away with a renewed bounce to my step.
The rest of the day goes by pretty smoothly. It's only when I fall asleep that something clicks into place.


I spot Iris from across the room. I can see her sitting on a leather chair wearing a white shirt with the sleeves pulled up to her elbows, giving a tantalising look to her tattoos under the low lights.
Her heterochromatic eyes land on me and grow heavy with desire. The weight of them on me cause me to shiver.
I can feel her hands all over my body before she even makes a move to get up or reach for me. Her eyes take me in as if drinking the sight in. 
My body feels hot as my heart hammers away at my ribcage. Warmth pools at my stomach before flowing down as Iris finally stands up. Her every move calm and collected as if it's been calculated to cause the biggest reaction in me. There's no rush to her movements they all flow and web pulling me impossibly closer without me moving an inch.
I can tell I'm breathing hard as my face flushes a dark crimson. My eyes are  glued to the approaching goddess as her gaze threatens to devour me whole she steps closer and closer until she's a breathe away. When she finally reaches her hand up to my chin to pull me closer ...

*End of dream*

I wake up completely frazzled my body shaking with a type of want I haven't felt in a long time.
The images of the dream flashing through my mind as I'm left there completely ruined and a mess because of a dream.

Sorry for the long wait I was kinda stuck with the story wasn't sure how to move it forward but I hope this chapter will help with my writer's block.
Thank you for reading and I hope it was enjoyable.

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