New York To Lima Part 1

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As I packed up my apartment, memories of my life in New York flooded my mind. I had achieved so much in the last four years, but I couldn't help but think of all the people I had hurt along the way. Despite my success, I felt lost and unsure of my place in the world. I knew people would question why I was leaving the city of new york that had given me everything, but I couldn't shake the feeling that there was nothing left for me here. It was not like Lima had the same issues but it did have one thing new york didn't and that was Finn. 

 As I finished packing, my dads arrived to help me move. We spent hours carrying boxes down from my apartment and loading them into their cars. We left most of the furniture behind, but I made sure to bring my bed and my daughter's princess bed. After lunch, my dads dropped me off at the train station. I had decided to take the train to Lima, even though it would take twice as long as driving. I wanted to arrive at the school, where I had first found my passion for performing, and walk the familiar streets of my hometown. As the train pulled away from the station, I settled into my seat for the long journey ahead. I couldn't wait to see what the future held for me back in Lima.

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