New York to Lima part 3

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Rachels P.O.V

I reach Lima and get off at the same platform where I said goodbye to Finn and life as I knew it had changed. Walking into the newly renovated train station, I head straight towards the toilets. As I walk in, I notice the toilets now have shower cubicles. Excited about the prospect of taking a long-awaited shower, I decide to freshen up and change into the same outfit I wore the day I left for New York.

Being back here brings back so many memories that I can't help but feel an urge to sing. I try to fight it off, but it just happens. The acoustics in the train station are perfect, and my voice echoes through the halls. I sing my heart out, feeling a sense of liberation that I haven't felt in a long time. It's as if all my worries and fears are lifted, and I am left with a sense of peace and joy.

As she starts singing Little Mix's "Change Your Life," Rachel can't help but feel empowered by the lyrics. She looks at herself in the mirror, capturing her reflection before throwing the mirror to the floor. The image is distorted, and she screams, "Is it worth it anymore?"

Walking out of the train station and down the block, Rachel continues to sing, feeling a sense of freedom as she belts out the words. She remembers that she's not the only one who's been criticized and that she's untouchable when she realizes her worth.

As she walks through the choir room doors, Rachel notices Finn staring at her. She continues singing, knowing that she has a right to show the world something they've never seen before.

The song ends, and Rachel looks at everyone, feeling a sense of pride and accomplishment. She knows that she's changed and that she's ready to take on whatever comes her way.

As Rachel finishes singing, everyone in the choir room bursts into applause. The members of the choir rush to greet her, congratulating her on such a beautiful performance. They can't help but feel moved by her powerful voice and the emotion she put into the song.

Rachel blushes, feeling a sense of warmth and belonging among her friends. She can't help but smile as she thanks everyone for their kind words and support. It's in moments like these that Rachel realizes how much she's grown and how much she's changed.

Feeling grateful and happy, Rachel takes a deep breath, knowing that she's ready for whatever the future holds.

Finns pov 

i feel confused about Rachel's sudden appearance and performance. Perhaps Mr. Schuester was surprised and impressed by her talent and the emotion she put into her singing. As for why she chose to sing that particular song, it's possible that the lyrics resonated with her and reflected her personal journey of growth and self-discovery. Regardless, it's great to see Rachel back and thriving in her element.

I had a strong reaction to seeing Rachel and decided to leave without saying anything. It's important for me to remember that everyone has their own personal journey and experiences, and it's okay to react in different ways. If I felt comfortable, I may have wanted to try talking to Rachel and expressing how I feel. Communication can help clear up misunderstandings and strengthen relationships.

Rachel pov 

I was in a difficult situation where I wanted to go after Finn, but I also didn't want to leave my friends and the people who are happy to see me. It can be challenging to balance conflicting emotions and priorities, but I need to prioritize my well-being and do what feels right. Perhaps I could try talking to my friends and explaining the situation, and see if they can help me find a way to connect with Finn without feeling like you're abandoning them. It's okay for me to ask for support and help from those around me at a time like now when I need them most.

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