the answers part 1

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Rachel's pov 

I go over to Quinn. "Hey Q, what did Finn want?" I ask trying not to panic 

I have this huge feeling he was telling her he didn't want me but he wanted her. I turn to look at Q with the painful look of not knowing in my eyes.

Quinn's pov

I have never seen such a painful look spread across Rachel's face before, the closest this look has come to be a Rachel face was when she left for New York. I have to put her mind at ease or something. 

"Listen R, Finn has questions, those questions need answers. He feels like you don't need him and that you just want him so you can get your life back on track and leave for New York again. You can't really blame him for thinking that Rachel because we all know you belong in New York.

Rachel's pov 

After Q told me the truth, I was more hurt by it then I was when I didn't know.

I run off to go cry, I need a break from all the drama. I mean who knew that coming back would be filled with more drama than a Broadway show. 

(In the auditorium)

As I sit mentally flicking through my repertoire of songs, looking for a song to express how sad and alone I feel.

The song All I Want By Joni Mitchell starts in my head, so I sing along out loud.

I am on a lonely road and 

I am travelling, travelling, travelling, travelling 

looking for something, what can it be 

Oh I hate you some, I hate you some, I love you some

Oh, I love you when I forget about me.

I want to be strong, I want to laugh along 

I want to belong to the living 

Alive, alive, I want to get up and jive

I want to wreck my stockings in some jukebox dive 

do you want, do you want, do you wanna dance with me baby

do you wanna take a chance on 

maybe finding some sweet romance with me baby, well come on 

All I really want our love to do

Is to bring out the best in me and in you 

I want to talk to you, I want to shampoo you

I want to renew you again and again

applause, applause, life is our cause 

when I think of your kisses my mind sees saws 

do you see, do you see, do you see how you hurt me, baby

so I hurt you too 

then we both get so blue 

I am on a lonely road and I am travelling 

looking for the key to set me free

oh the jealousy 

the greed is the unravelling, its the unravelling 

and it undoes the joy that could be 

I want to have fun, I want to shine like the sun

I want to be the one that you want to see

I want to knit you a sweater 

I want to write you a love letter 

I want to make you feel better, I wanna make you feel free

all I wanna make you feel free

Finn's pov

I see Rachel storm out after her talk with Quinn, so I go after her but she goes to the auditorium and I know that means she's going to sing. So as the song starts I slip into one of the many seats in the audience and listen because I know if anything this song is going to tell me how she feels.

When the song ends I wait for the typical self talk Rachel gives herself when she is sad, but I don't hear it instead I hear crying begin.

I walk up on stage to her crying, I feel myself break because she is lost and needs help but I'm not giving her it instead I'm causing drama by talking to everyone but her.

Rachel's pov 

As I sit here on stage crying, I see Finn come towards me. I look up and see the pain and confusion in his eyes.

"Finn you don't have to be here if you don't want to be," I say. I know he is beating himself up on the inside for letting me get to this place but what can you do, you cant fix this nor can you take it away.                 

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