The lie

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Rachel's pov.

After these past couple of days, I feel bad and like I should stop lying to everyone, especially Finn, and tell them about mine and Finn precious little princess who was created at a wedding that never really happened almost 3 1/2 years ago.

It happened the night of June 12th 2013 at Will and Emma's wedding the one she actually ran away from. I slept with Finn and don't get me wrong it was great but I didn't expect to have a child afterwards.

But that's exactly what happened I fell pregnant and 9 months later I had Cleo May Hudson. she was so sweet and innocent, and her first few years went by in a blur because I was so busy with Funny Girl and being a good mother. I didn't need nor want Finn to be there with me because he wouldn't have been happy and his happiness meant more to me than us playing happy families. If I tell him now it may cause anger but I know once he sees her he will do anything to protect her just like he does me.

I pack a bag for Cleo after deciding to take her with me today and I go tell Cleo to go grab Sophie. Sophie is her baby doll the one she takes everywhere.  I place Cleo and Sophie in the car and drive to the school. I text Santana for her and Quinn to come outside. Santana was the only one who knew I was pregnant but she thought I terminated the pregnancy.

Santana's pov

I get a text from Rachel asking me and Quinn to come outside as she had a surprise. We wondered what the surprise could be but in knowing Rachel it was going to be the most unexpected thing.

We arrive at a car and we see a little girl who looks like Finn sitting in a car seat in the back of the car.

"What the hell BERRY, are you out of your mind bringing that child you said you terminated, here," I screamed at her 

Rachel's pov

After Santana calls me out for being stupid. I explain how I know I shouldn't have but she deserves to know who she is and where she came from and that is why the lies stop today.

I grab Cleo from the car and introduce her to Santana and Quinn.

Cleo's pov 

From within the car, I see two beautiful ladies talking to my mummy when one seems to get a little mad at my mom for a reason I couldn't hear.

She then takes me out of the car and introduces me to them that when I recognize their faces from one of many pictures my mummy had with my auntie Santana, Quinn, Mercedes, Brittany and Tina.

I get happy as I finally get to meet them. Hey auntie Santana and Quinn I say and hug them.  

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