The confusing feeling

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Rachel pov. 

After freeing myself from the warming grasp of friends I finally get to go find Finn. 

 (In the auditorium)

"Finn there you are," I say startling him.

Finns pov

I look up to see a beaming Rachel. "Rach what are you doing here?" I ask looking for an answer.

She looks at me and starts to cry. I grab her by her soft hands and pull her into the warm happy feelings of one of my hugs.

 Rachel's pov 

I can see Finn's eyes wander as he asks what I am doing here and as I hear the soft undertones of happiness in his voice it brings me to tears and also into one of his warmest and happiest hugs. 

I look into those big beautiful light brown eyes and I start to ease up. I want to tell him the truth. So I do. The truth is Finn I am lost I don't know who I am or where I belong anymore. After I lost my role in funny girl I've been wandering around lost with nowhere to call home. I lost me and all I want is me back. I want you back Finn. 

Finns pov 

As I admire her luscious locks she eases into my arms and tells this sad story of how she lost her way after losing her gig as fanny Brice. Out of nowhere, I was welcomed back to reality with Rachel saying she wants me back. 

I honestly wanted to jump and scream with happiness at those words but I can't help but wonder if she just wants me because she has nothing else. 

 Honestly, right now all I feel is confusion.

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