Cleo meets Finn

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Rachel's pov 

Me and Finn walk back into the choir room hand in hand. I realize how much like Finn Cleo is when I see her surrounded by everyone and how she has the ability to listen and not make it about her like I would.

Rachel smiles at Finn and then goes and grabs Cleo.

Cleo's pov

I know my dad is somewhere among these faces. I just have to match him to the happy smiling photo of him and my mom that sat on her bedside table in New York which also had my baby scan photo tucked in the corner.

That's when I see him, the man from the picture standing beside my mom. I want to run and hug him but I realize that may be a bit weird since he has only just found out about me, I know this because my mum would point to the picture and say that's your dad but he doesn't know you exist.

I watch as mommy walks towards me and picks me up. I suddenly wonder if my dad would like me ore even love me.

Finn's pov

As Rachel brings my daughter towards me, I start to panic. I don't know how to interact with her. I want to run away because I am scared, but that magical moment happened when my scared feelings disappeared all because Cleo made eye contact with me and smiled. I know it seems crazy to say that a 3 1/2-year-old can do something like that but she did. I know people say you can not love anyone more than your girlfriend or in my case as Rachel would say I can't love anyone more than her but I do because I think I love my daughter more than her.

I ask Rachel if I can hold Cleo, the only reason why I asked was because I didn't know if Cleo would be comfortable with me holding her.

Rachel hands Cleo to me and she just melts into my arms in a different way to Rachel but with the same outcome of her belonging in them.         

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