The fresh start

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Quinn's pov

After the whole finding out Rachel and Finn have a daughter together. it made me think and realize that Beth is mine and I need her back. So yesterday I started my fight to get her back from Shelby. I know that seems mean but I don't want to regret not having her in my life just like Shelby did with Rachel.

Puck can we talk?

Puck's pov 

when Quinn rolls up to me and asks to talk I can see that something is troubling her. I wonder if it has something to do with Beth as she has the same hurt and lost look she had in her eyes all those years ago when she was trying to get Beth back.

She explains her plans for us to be a family again and I don't disagree but I just feel like it's not going to be as easy as she wants it to be because we did sign our rights away the day she was born. I tell Quinn to talk to Rachel because she was brought up by lawyers and also may have a way to talk to Shelby without it hurting her.

Quinn's pov 

I know it seems horrible to ask Rachel to help us get my little girl back from her mom but surely as a mother herself, she will understand why it is important for Beth to be with me and Puck.

Plus I also found out I have a very slim chance of ever getting pregnant again so Beth is a miracle baby for me. so for me not to have her in my arms and in my house is basically me accepting the fact I will never have a biological child as I can't have her. I haven't told Puck that I have a very slim chance of getting pregnant again because I know it will kill him as much as it does me.      

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