The Shelby thing

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Rachel's pov 

I can't believe I am going to go see Shelby for the first time since moving back to Lima and ask her to consider giving Beth back to Quinn. I know it seems horrible for me to ask this of my own mom but I do believe she will do it if the right things are said.

I have brought Cleo and Finn with me because I want Cleo to see where I came from and who my mom is and well Finn is here for moral support but also to play with the girls while I talk to Shelby. 

we arrive at Shelby's apartment and I knock on the door.

Shelby's Pov

I hear a knock on my door and I go and look through the peephole to see Rachel, Finn and a little girl who looks like a good mixture of the two of them. I open the door and greet them.

Rachel introduces me to Cleo and as she does I smile. I smile with pride and joy as Rachel tells Cleo this is your grandma, it also surprised me a little bit to hear those words as I have never really been a mom to Rachel.

Rachel's pov

After the introductions, I ask Finn to take the girls to the park as I think it will be easier for me and Shelby to talk without Beth here. I only say it will be easier as Beth is 5 and is really getting good with taking in a conversation.I turn to Shelby and say "look I can't believe I am about to say this but I think you should sign all the rights for Beth back over to Quinn and Puck. The reason I say this is because I know how you felt all those years and I know you don't want anyone to have those same feelings of regret that you had with giving me up."

I look at her as it sinks in, she gets a tear in her eye and proceeds to say "you are right Beth deserves to be with Quinn and puck and have a shot at being a family with her real mom and dad. Just like I should have the chance to be a mom to you and a grandma to Cleo."    

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2020 ⏰

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