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mackenzie's pov-

We were just whispering when someone nocked on the door to the movie room....

mackenzie: "guys take off your shoes and hide. Don't forget to grab your phones".

Hopefully this plan will work out. The door nob started moving, and then the door opened. I gave the signal and we all threw our shoes at the person and ran out of the room. I didn't have time to see who it was. I ran straight to the front door.

lauren: "mackenzie hurry they are coming!!".

mackenzie: "the door won't open!. Try the back door".

We started running to the back door untill we heard Lexi screaming.

mackenzie: "OH MY GOD! LEXI!?".

we all ran upstairs and there was hayden holding lexi with a knife to her throat.

maddie: "hayden let her go!".

hayden: "why should I?".

maddie: "I will do anything, just let her go".

hayden: "okay come with me".

he let lexi go and she ran into my arms. I quickly hugged maddie and hayden dragged her into the bathroom with him.

maddies pov-

Hayden took me to the upstairs bathroom. We walked in and he took out a baseball bat, and hit me with it in the back of my head and I fell to the ground and everything went black.

lexi's pov-

I heard a thud and I tried running but Hayden chased me down and stabbed me multiple times with the knife and ran off.

mackenzie: "LEXI!! oh my god! Annie call the police. lexi stay with me".

lexi: "don't worr-y about me".

mackenzie: "Jayden stay here with Lexi".

I ran to the bathroom door but it didn't open.

mackenzie: "the bathroom door won't open. lauren go get me my crowbars from my room hurry!"

lauren: "on it".

mackenzie: "please hurry lauren".

I let a tear fall.

I got the door open and maddie was laying there on the bathroom floor with blood coming out of the back of her head.

mackenzie: "we need another ambulance!"

laurens pov-

The ambulances finally came and took Lexi and maddie away in a really big hurry....

kenzie, annie, and nadia all got into the ambulance for maddie. ruby and i got in for lexi. We were driving pretty fast. I looked at the window and started thinking. Why? Why did this have to happen? Do we deserve this? We arrived at the hospital and I went straight to the waiting room.

I was sitting there and kenzie, annie, and nadia, came running in. kenzie ran up to me and gave me a hug. We sat down and tried to take our minds of things. They had a deck of cards so we played war.

I heard someone call a code. My heart sunk to my stomach in a split second. I don't know if it was them. It hurts worse if you don't even know if it's them. I feel like I'm going to have a anxiety attack omg.


mackenzie's pov-

I lost maddie and lexi that day. It's heartbreaking. johnny is involved in both of their deaths. Now I go home and I don't hear maddies voice and I never will again. I miss her so fucking much. All I have is pictures and memories of us together. My life officially sucks. I lost my mom, dad, and my sister.

I'm the only one left. In a big house all of the rooms quiet with all of the furniture. sometimes it feels like maddie and my mom are still here with me.

I walk into her room and looked around. Her bed is still made, her tv is off, and her closet still has her shoes and clothes. I honestly don't really care what happens to me anymore. I have no one to go home too.
But why?
Why this?
Why me?

School has been the worse. I've been skipping since the incident. No one ever told the school that hayden and johnny are involved. I don't want to face them ever again.


this is soooo bad omg.

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