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mackenzie's pov-

I turn around and I see lauren screaming at johnny. Then hayden got up from where he was sitting.....

I walked back over and hayden was helping johnny get off of the floor. They looked really really angry now.

hayden: "lauren, i don't give a fuck if johnny is your brother or not if you say that again I will kill you".

mackenzie: "summerall fuck off. She can say whatever she wants. There's this thing called freedom of speech".

hayden: "Shut up mackenzie".

mackenzie: "No. I'm tired of you threatening me and my friends".

hayden: "omg I'm so scared".

he said sarcastically.

mackenzie: "you should be".

hayden swung at me and I ducked out of the way. I punched him multiple times until he fell to the floor.

mackenzie: "there ya go, you should have learned a lesson after this".

hayden: "you little bitch".

mackenzie: "shut up you asshole".

I ran out of the cafeteria and ran to the bathroom. I noticed that I had blood on my hand so I tried to clean it off. The bell rang so I went to my next class which was advanced chemistry. I was working on my mid term when I was called down to the main office. I walked in and there was the principal, johnny, hayden and their parents.

principal: "have a seat mackenzie".

mackenzie: "what's this about?"

principal: "about you harming other students".

I stood up out of my chair.

mackenzie: "WHAT?!? they beat me and my sister up multiple times before and you didn't do shit about it!"

principal: "that's nonsense!"

johnny: "actually no, it's not".

mackenzie: "johnny what are you doing?"

johnny: "I'm sorry mackenzie.
me and hayden have been giving mackenzie a hard time".

principal: "everyone out of my office besides johnny".

I walked out and sat down in a chair outside. I saw johnny getting upset through the office window. johnny ran out and I ran after him down the hallway.

mackenzie: "johnny?! Wait up!"

johnny: "go away".

mackenzie: "no I will not".

johnny: "yes you will".

mackenzie: "nope. I'm not moving until you tell me what just happened".

johnny: "I just got expelled..."

mackenzie: "wha-".

johnny: "kenzie it's fine, leave me alone".

mackenzie: "no".

I grabbed johnny by his hand and walked back in to the main office. I pushed everyone out of my way and barged into the principal's office. I don't fucking care anymore.

mackenzie: "why did you expell johnny?"

principal: "because of all of the stuff he did to you".

mackenzie: "seriously? johnny didn't really do anything. That bitch over there has been attacking me for years, and you didn't give a fuck about it".

hayden: "did not".

mackenzie: "hayden I swear, if you don't keep your big fat mouth shut I will beat your fucking ass again".

johnny: "kenz stop, hayden is not worth it".

mackenzie: "i know he's not".

principal: "johnny you are expelled and for you miss ziegler you are suspended".

johnny: "kenzie?"

mackenzie: "that's fine with me let's go".

johnny: "you didn't have to do that".

mackenzie: "it's okay, it was totally worth it".

we walked out of the pain office.

johnny: "mackenzie... ever since i met you, i knew i had feelings for you. you're smart, kind, selfless, and gorgeous. what i'm saying is.... will you be my girlfriend?"

mackenzie: "yes".

I can't believe that johnny just asked me out. I didn't really know that he even liked me. Well we both have to get our stuff and get out of the school right away. Last thing I want was being escorted out of the school with everyone watching us.

While me and johnny were walking through the halls, people kept on staring at us. I honestly didn't care. I'm happy with johnny and I don't care what other people think about us. johnny grabbed my hand until we got to the car. I feel safe with johnny. we both had nothing to do so we went to my house.


re-writing is so much work

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