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I ran into my apartment building and headed straight to the lift, only to find the large 'OUT OF ORDER' sign stuck to it. Instead, I wandered over to the stairs and ran up them, desperate to get into my flat and call Jessica.

She answered on the third ring, "hey, Em! What's up?" I burst into tears. "Van— he... broke up... with me," I stumbled through sobs, not sure if what I was saying could even be deciphered. Everything was silent for a minute, and then Jess spoke. "He what?!" She exclaimed, "why?!" So I went through mine and Van's conversation, each word killing me a little more.
"I'll kill the little... ugh!!" Jessica was frustrated, more for her sake than mine, I assumed. She was trying to get in with the boys because since she met the guitarist, Bondy, she'd had a crush on him. "It's okay, I'll be okay, I just thought we were getting somewhere." I said, hiding my genuine sadness. I laid down on my couch and put my phone on speaker, resting it above my head. My hair splayed out behind me, I began playing with it, the same way Van used to, as I listened to Jess talk at me.

When Jess finally shut up, I told her once more that I'd be fine. She told me I would too, and that I could do much better than Van Mc-bloody-Can.

I hung up, closed my eyes, and drifted to sleep, with nothing but Van in my mind.

Hours passed, I finally woke up, and I realised I hadn't had dinner yet, so I checked my phone: it blinked 8:35pm. Could I really be bothered eating, never mind cooking? I decided to run a bath, instead. That'd help me calm down.

I rushed round my flat, clearing things up, wiping off the mascara I'd smeared all over my face with tears. I finally settled in the bathroom with a book and my phone.

I clicked onto my music gallery to pick a playlist to keep me company tonight. My most listened was the Beautiful Decay EP that Van sent me from his band rehearsals, and some demo's that they were hoping to release alongside their first album. Ignoring the book I brought in with me, I clicked on the playlist, pressed play, and got into the bath.

The melody of ASA soothed me instantly.

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