Chapter 3

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"We still need a new table."

"I know, mom," Hiccup replied, brushing a cloud of dust off Toothless' back.

"It has been two days since it was broken, by your dragon, no less." Valka dipped a cloth in a basin of water, wringing it out.

"I know, and I will fix it." Hiccup exchanged his brush for the cloth and proceeded to run it down Toothless' shiny black scales. "Just, not right now."

"Son, when it comes to building furniture, you are Chief Hiccup the procrastinator." Placing the brush on the ground beside a small bowl filled to the rim with salmon, Valka took the bowl of fish and stepped in front of Toothless. The dragon's pupils expanded exponentially, looking from the bowl to Valka and licking his lips.

"Well I don't have the—Toothless, stay still!—wood for it." 

Valka placed the empty bowl back on the icy floor. "Then go get some."

"It will be too heavy for Toothless to carry." Toothless turned to look at his rider, snorting in Hiccup's face.

"Hiccup, we have an entire arsenal of dragons who can help you. You just don't want to fetch the wood from Berk." Hiccup sighed. "You don't have to talk to anyone, just take a few trees off the far side of the island."

"Alright. I'll take a timberjack and a few shockjaws."

"Thank you, Hiccup."

After packing Toothless' saddlebag, Hiccup gave his mother a hug.

"Stay safe," Valka said through the embrace.

"I will. We will be back before sundown." Valka kissed her son on the cheek and waved as he put his mask on and took off towards the one place he fled all those years ago.


The small pack of dragons sped across the ocean heading due South. The blue of the waters became more saturated the farther they went, appearing more and more inviting. Gliding just above the water, Toothless glanced back at his rider and without warning, plunged into the water. Emerging seconds later, Hiccup coughed and took off his mask, breathing in oxygen. After hours of flying, a dip in the ocean was heavenly. At that moment, the other four dragons in their company followed Toothless' example and dove, spraying Hiccup and Toothless upon submersion. One of the shockjaws had a fish in it's mouth when it resurfaced, which was noticed by the others. In a short amount of time, all three shockjaws were fighting over the fish, distracted from their mission.

"Hey, uh, guys, we have to get going." Hiccup's words were lost in a cacaphony of roars and grumbles as the dragons stole the fish from each other. Toothless noticed Hiccup's exasperation and let out a deafening roar, gaining the attention of the shockjaws. Toothless gestured South with his head, grumbling to the other dragons. The dragon holding the fish swallowed it before it could be taken away from him, and continued flying South, followed by the other two dragons. Hiccup sighed in relief.

"Thanks, bud."

Toothless rumbled a response.

Looking around, Hiccup realized something. "Toothless, where is the timberjack we had with us?"

The pair glanced around, nothing in view except the shrinking shockjaws and the water. Suddenly, a splash came from behind them. They turned to see the timberjack with a mouth full of fish.

"Alright, no more detours, let's just get the wood." Toothless and the timberjack flew to catch up with the shockjaws.

A few minutes later, Toothless' ears flattened and he growled.

HTTYD: I'm Home (Sequel to HTTYD: Alternate Ending)Where stories live. Discover now