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They are herded like cattle in a line heading towards a grassy field, but instead of a day out in the sun they are dumped into the dark, eyes blindfolded and hands bound to each other's. When Wooyoung was blindfolding Mingi, the former had taken off his glasses, shoving them in his pockets carelessly.

After the blindfolds are loosened, it's only now that they see each other and everyone seems to be in a competition on who looks the worst. Faces and bodies bruised, dried-up blood painted on their skins, their dead eyes search around the space and exhausted figures are guided around like they are puppets on a string. They were forced to stand in a line while Wooyoung went and collected them from each of their rooms, as if he's a bus driver ferrying schoolchildren around. It proves to be easy for him because they don't fight back; they can't and they won't. Their reflexes are still subdued by the injected sleeping drug; it's five against two but it's obvious who is on the winning side.

San is waiting at what looks like the basement, face unnaturally bright even without a smile as he welcomes the entourage, hands holding their next binding material. Wooyoung unties Hongjoong first from the group and San works fast by looping the ropes around two hooks on the wall plates, tugging on it to make sure that the knots are secure. Wooyoung pushes Hongjoong against the wall, while San ties the rope around his wrists, whistling while doing so and by the time he's done, the redhead is suspended a few centimetres off the floor, arms extended like he's a bird taking flight. San jumps off the ladder, moves it to the left, repeats the same process and this time, Mingi receives the same treatment. Mingi squints to try and make sense of the blurred scene in front of him, needing aid from his glasses.

They are now live effigies on the wall, the result of the careful artwork of two maniacs.

Wooyoung steps back, smiles while admiring the two, as if they are the best work he has ever sculpted. His face immediately turns sour as his reverie is interrupted, his ears catching a verbal threat from behind him, spat out by whom he knows is the youngest.

"Where did you take Mr. Jeong to? What did you do to him? Once you untie me I will break your fucking skulls and you will regret you ever laid your hands on us."

"Tch, look how cute," Wooyoung interjects. "But you already have phenobarbital in your system. Try to throw a punch at me and you'll stumble like a drunkard in the early morning. You're lucky I don't give you a dose that will kill you."

"You... won't... yet..." Yeosang jumps into the conversation, even if his tongue feels tied.

Wooyoung signals for San to prepare for their next move. "Bingo, not yet. And you don't have to worry about your lovely boss because I'm taking care of him really, really well. What you need to worry now is for your lives." He snaps his fingers and it's a cue for San to flood the whole place with bright artificial lights, unveiling the torture chamber previously masked by the low light.

If it's even possible, the victims feel their stomachs physically tightening and twisting, bringing forth a fear fuelled by the insouciance held by the two and the state of the basement. There are three metal cages at the far left corner of the room, but not normal ones. Instead of having empty spaces in between the bars so anyone could put their limbs through, another box made of polymethyl methacrylate is screwed to the metal from inside. It is as if the metal cages are protecting the plastic inside, creating a sturdy claustrophobic environment. Pipes are connected through an opening into the case, but they don't know what's its use. It could be a channel to supply air, but they doubt their captors would be so kind to give them the freedom to breathe easily. Six holes are punctured on top of the boxy enclosure, the only source of connection to the outside environment, and also making it the only way air can enter and exit.

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