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5 years ago

"Choi San, wake up or you're going to be late for class!"

He feels a strong smack on his butt, sending him rolling to the other side of the super single bed to avoid the vicious attacks. His mouth is mumbling something incoherent; probably the remnants of the knowledge he pored over at the 24-hour library the night before. Has it already been overnight, or is it only a few hours after? The bed rocks a little as his roommate climbs on top of his bed in an attempt to wake him up, this time deciding to be more physical. As his left arm is hanging over the edge of the bed and his weight all pushed down on his stomach, the mattress sinks further as his roommate sits on his back. He taps his right palm on the sheets as his breath gets stuck and his bones feel like they would get crushed by the weight of his roommate.

"I- I surrender. Fine- fine I'll get up, now please get off me Jung Wooyoung. You're going to crush and kill me before I even manage to graduate. We still have one semester left."

Wooyoung snorts before lifting himself up and plopping beside San's lying figure, leaning against the headboard on the too-small-for-two bed. He stretches out a leg, lightly pushing it against San's body, which sends him tumbling down the carpeted floor together with his crumpled blanket. A soft thud followed by a cry of pain and anger from the silver-haired man arise from the ground, where he can no longer see him. He scoots to the edge of the bed, propping his elbows on the mattress and resting his chin on his palms. He is already dressed for class, but his roommate hasn't woken up even when they are supposed to go to an 8 a.m. lecture together. He looks over the edge and his lips part slightly in disbelief of what he's seeing; San has drifted off again on the floor, tangled in the blanket.

"CHOI SAN!" he shouts, conveniently leaning his body forward so that his lips are near his ear.

This startles San with a large magnitude as he immediately wakes up, back straight and eyes wide. He looks around, breath a bit too fast and hair unkempt. "Dammit, Wooyoung, I'm going to go freaking deaf because you're always around me," he says grumpily, but as he frees himself from the sea of blanket, Wooyoung catches a smile playing on his lips. He picks up the blanket and throws it to Wooyoung before muttering, "Fine, I'll go and shower. Wait for me."

"That's what I've been doing since I'm trying to wake you up. Let's have breakfast with Yunho before we go to class. He says he doesn't have class this morning but he just wanted to hang around campus."


San peels the t-shirt off his body before throwing them into the laundry basket, all the while muttering under his breath that he still needs more hours of sleep. He takes a shower, almost freezing to death because the heater is broken and still hasn't been fixed since last week. It doesn't help that winter is around the corner, so he has to make sure that he will file another complaint to the management, in hopes that he won't die due to the extreme cold before they fix it. He runs water onto his hair, wetting it hoping it will help to keep him awake. He will definitely be ordering a large-sized cup of coffee when they go down for breakfast with Yunho. He pulls a plain t-shirt over his head, throwing a worn-out red plaid shirt on top and a black tracksuit he had gotten in a bundle sale last year.

"I'm ready," he says, hands on his hips. He picks up his backpack, already heading for the door.

Wooyoung shakes his head before following his lead, locking the door to their dorm room behind him. "I can't believe that you're dressed like that and girls still come flocking to you. Discredits the effort of guys like me," he says jokingly, nudging the silver-haired man with his elbow.

"It's not the clothes; it's the face and dimples that matters," he replies, putting on a show of his dimples by smiling widely.

"Curse you and your genetics," he grumbles.

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