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He leaves the door ajar; giving view to the stairs that will lead to the upper ground. It's their chance to escape, and it seems like Wooyoung is giving them one. They won't think about why he's doing it when he's been nothing but torturous towards them. Besides, he had said something to them that leaves them in a deeper state of confusion, but they are too busy worrying about their current situation to be able to comprehend his real intentions.

"Run. Don't ever look back because if I manage to catch you, I will make sure that I will kill you. Do you understand?" he had said to them, earning compliant nods from Hongjoong and Mingi, who were already huddled together with the still-unconscious Yeosang and Jongho.

It was as if time had become still as the captor eyed them one by one before saying slowly, his voice losing the hard edge he had before. This time, his voice had turned soft, making the captives shiver with dread, unable to understand how quick it was for him to bounce from a character to another. Maybe, both him and San-

"Go to the police and tell them every single thing that happened to all of you here. Mention our names and don't even leave a single detail out, from when you arrived here until now. Here-"

He threw the penknife to them, as Hongjoong held on tightly to Yeosang and Jongho, as if trying with all his might to protect them. They showed no signs of waking up, and he was already starting to feel the exhaustion from thinking about having to carry them all the way to safety. They could leave them but no; they came here as one and he would make sure that whoever was still alive would make it back. Despite not looking like how they came in the first place.

"Use this to cut those stitches or else you won't be able to say anything at the police station." He delivered another warning, but his voice still maintained the gentleness he had, sounding like he was worried for them; as if he wasn't the one who had subjected them to the long and torturous ordeal. "But make sure you do it once you leave the villa; I don't want to hear another peep from any of you."

Then he ascended the stairs and left as if nothing ever happened, leaving them shivering with both cold and fear.

What do they get out of this?

Hongjoong signals towards Mingi, saying that they each have to carry one person and the latter immediately agrees. Fearing that their captors will change their minds, Hongjoong quickly heaves Jongho on his back while Mingi goes for Yeosang. They wobble as they try to summon every last strand of strength they have to at least make it past the door and up. They look like they're fighting against strong winds as they carry forward, almost slipping on the stairs as they still haven't regained their full senses.

They emerge onto the first floor, which is eerily quiet. None of the two are present, so it seems that it's not a trap and Wooyoung is really sticking to his words of letting them go. Mingi lets Hongjoong lead them as he keeps a lookout. The stairs from the basement make way into a store, which holds a multitude of different items, from expired food that have started to smell and broken parts of automated machines. The shelves are dusty, decorated with cobwebs and they look like they're about to give way anytime soon.

With their hearts thumping against their ribcages as they navigate the first floor, they try to remember the way out. Hongjoong peeks from behind the door of the store, whipping his head around to take in any other possible threats. When the line is clear, making sure that Jongho is held firmly, he signals to Mingi to closely follow. Only when they make it to the living room do they realize that the world outside is dark, the pale moonlight casting shadows of the furniture on the marble floor.

They search around for a clock to find out about the time, but find none. Their only clue to the current time is only the sky outside, but even that does not give away much. They tiptoe as they steer past the living room, scared that emitting any noise will summon the demons hiding away in every crook of the house. With two bodies on their back, they amble carefully past the dark hallways and foyer. None of the lights downstairs are switched on, and they take a few seconds for their eyes to adjust to the surrounding. Some shuffling of footsteps can be heard from the second floor, but they don't stop to wonder who they belong to. Their vision are limited to only the front door, taking no time to take in details of the surrounding.

Here I Lie // ATEEZ ✔Where stories live. Discover now