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"Where did you hide the bodies?"

Yunho looks at the detective, whose nametag read 'YOON DOWOON' for one second before looking at his reflection on the one-way mirror, licking his lips. "How many people are behind the mirror?" he asks, completely ignoring the question he was given. He looks down at his new uniform, then to his handcuffs. When the detective gives him the same treatment, refusing to answer his question, he asks another one, "Can I at least have a cup of water? My throat feels so dry that I don't feel like I can talk about this." He makes a point to lift his hands and points to his throat. There are only two of them in the interrogation room; the detective and the suspect.

The detective sighs before gesturing to the mirror behind him. A few seconds later, another officer comes in while bringing in a paper cup full of plain water. He juts his chin out, inviting Yunho to down the drink until its finished. He clasps his hands, intending to take a new direction with the interrogation, now that he seems reluctant to answer his questions. "Fine, we'll start from the beginning. Let's see if you're willing to help me out here." He closes the file in front of him, every detail of the case perfectly drilled into his mind, for it's the only thing he has been working on without getting any sleep. He can literally hear the nervous shuffling of his colleagues and superiors in the room behind the mirror; it's an atypical case that has everyone on their toes.

Everyone wants answers; everyone wants closure. The case could be closed once they captured the two of them, but there are still loose ends. The game still continues, and although reluctant, they need to see the end. They fear that the end will give them more dead bodies; another death count on their chart. The two are safely locked up, but they are still sputtering to get to the finish line. The gory details of the case have not been released to the public; not until they can get their hands on the last two victims: alive or dead.

However from the looks of it, they are very much dead.

They have found the connection between three of the victims; Seonghwa, Jongho and Yeosang. They are the younger brothers of the three friends who tortured and eventually lead to the death of Choi San; the suspects' close friend. But the connection between Hongjoong and Mingi to them remains vague. They know that both Hongjoong and Mingi are not the prime targets, but, as collected from a frantic call delivered to the police station, it seems that Hongjoong's father and Mingi's fiancee are the real ones being targeted. They were reported missing on the very same day the three - Jinhan, Seongjin and Yoochan were kidnapped and tortured by them.

He asks for confirmation for every single detail of the trip; from when he invited his employees to the part when they were released, and surprisingly, Yunho agrees to them all. He doesn't even try to deny, even when Dowoon points him as Park Seonghwa's murderer. Up until the part where they were let go, he serves no objection. He starts to get restless when they come to the part of the real targets, the three older brothers, plus Hongjoong's father and Mingi's fiancee. In which the lines are still unclear, on how they were related to the death of San four years ago.

"I thought detectives are supposed to be smart," Yunho comments. "You failed to connect the dots before we got to them. You failed to save them, allowing us to give you the nice little presents. Say, did you enjoy them?"

"Listen here, you bastard," Dowoon says under his breath, carefully looking over his shoulder, aware that there are others who are watching. "You are toying with people's lives here, people's family. Why don't you be a good boy and tell where both of you hid them, so that all of us can go back home and have a nice, long sleep?"

"So did they; we are only giving back what they gave to us. We don't settle for less, and we made sure that they're going to remember that for the rest of their lives," his voice is hard. The metal cuffs clang against the table as he brings his hands up. "They are only living the lives they're supposed to. They ruined our lives and we were only giving them a taste of their own medicine."

Here I Lie // ATEEZ ✔Where stories live. Discover now